
Oct 03, 2011 18:33

in light 0f recent events
in light of recent events
id like t|

[ There's a short pause and Aradia switches to video. She isn't smiling as she usually does when she decides on a video feed; in fact, she looks more serious, looks as if she's thinking of something. ]

My apologies. In light of recent events, I'd like to call out to any and all inhabitants of the city who ventured into the maze and who are willing to share their... Experiences. [ She looks away as she says that, frowning for a brief moment. ]

Any oddities aside I would... Like to know how you felt. If you felt anything at all.

[ Those who have known her for longer will know why she's so curious on the matter of life and death, and why she didn't trust herself to leave this message as text; this got her thinking back on Past Events and brought a whole new perspective into light. Does this mean they can die permanently? And what of the intentions of those who brought them here in the first place? ]

As for everyone else, don't lose hope...! [ She looks back at the feed and offers a smile.] I am certain that everything will be ok.

aradia megido, c: morrigan aensland

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