Oct 03, 2011 10:20
[All this time holed up, and England is ready. He didn't really amass too many things, but he has them all packed up. He has the store all picked out. He'll work on getting it fancy and set for what he's doing. But for now...
... for now, he supposes he's wasted enough time holed up here.
He's trying to be inconspicuous about it, but the watch isn't being very helpful on that account. Yet another reason for him to hate the thing, as it records him from the floor, gathering everything in one go. When he finally gets around to the watch, he kicks the damn thing in frustration. This of course leaves it recording still, and leaves him to scurry after it, cursing profusely.]
Well now the whole damn town is going to know...!
[He picks it back up, shutting the feed.]