[Accidental Video - Backdated to March 1st]

Mar 04, 2011 08:41

{ooc: This post follows immediately on the heels of this one; No, 202 has no idea what's become of her sister. She was a little busy being thrown off of a roof at the time and missed all of that.[The feed clicks on halfway through a bouncing spin, having already hit the earth hard enough to knock it open and set it in motion once more. It ( Read more... )

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[Action] unit_201 March 4 2011, 22:14:44 UTC
[Staring blank, emotionless, atop the building is a Nobody that hadn't been there before.

Now, every shadow heartless in the area under her control is bounding down from their perches on the building, intent on taking her heart as well.]

Oh-Two, when you think about it, we have no use for hearts. [It's definitely her sister's voice coming from the Dancer, but nothing else about her is the same. All that sweetness and care is long gone.] Give yours up and this will be significantly less painful for you...


[ALL the Actions] unit_202 March 4 2011, 22:37:01 UTC
[202's face was furious when she just thought it was another monster. Now it's a monster using what's left of her sister, and her face transcends fury entirely.

Still clutching at her stomach, she can feel the wound knitting shut, but it's painful to the point of distraction and nowhere near finished yet. As bad as she wants to head straight for this new Nobody, she knows she can't yet. Not unless she wants to wind up in the same boat. She backs up against a wall, okay right now with sacrificing maneuverability for security while she stalls.]

Don't be absurd. Of course I have a use for my heart. I'm using it.

[She extends the hand not holding her entrails in place and extends it into a cruel-looking, oversized paw with which she casually backhands one of the smaller shadows when it enters her range. Brave little things, aren't they... And numerous. Without any other options looking good right now, 202 ducks into the alley at the buildings edge, and runs.]


[EVERY SINGLE ACTION] unit_201 March 5 2011, 00:02:46 UTC
[Le sigh. She calls after her former sister.] It didn't have to be this way, Oh-Two!

[The swarm follows after 02, 01 not far behind as she leaps and bounds over the building tops and keeping the injured experiment in sight.] Why are you running?

It doesn't hurt so bad, I promise.


[Except this one.] unit_202 March 5 2011, 02:30:29 UTC
[Oh, Oh-One. Leave it to you to miss the point entirely. 202 yells over her shoulder, not daring to take her eyes off of the alley ahead of her-- Which, upon inspection, appeared to be rapidly nearing a dead end.]

I have a hole in my body big enough for a cat to walk through, and you think it's the pain that concerns me? You--

[Her next sentence is cut short when she trips over one of the smaller shadows clamoring at her feet, and though she tries to salvage it by dropping into a roll, it's still a hard fall. Throwing her free hand out to try and catch herself, she somehow manages to fall directly on one of the creatures and, at the feel of it there in her grasp, slams it deliberately into the ground as she collapses there herself.

The ensuing appearance of brightly-glowing orbs that appear in the shadow's stead surprise her almost as much as the effect they have on her-- Two of the things were caught directly in her palm and immediately absorbed, leaving a soothing warmth to spread over her body. Warmth and renewed vigor. 202 ( ... )


grabbyhandsthx March 5 2011, 13:47:49 UTC
[[Greed's been keeping an eye out, not that he much cares, because anything that looks at him sideways has been getting mashed into the ground. Nothing fucks with the Ultimate Shield.]]

Hands full? Looks like it.


unit_202 March 5 2011, 15:56:15 UTC
[Blink. Who the--what th... Don't mind 202's confusion here, Greed, but she's had a rough day and she's never seen the Ultimate Shield in action before.]

Nonsense! Just the one hand's full, and it'll be done soon enough. Though if you're looking for your own chance at me, I might need to ask you to take a number...


grabbyhandsthx March 5 2011, 21:20:15 UTC
[[Greed laughs amused at the look he gets by this person, shaking his head as he pulls his shield back enough that it's not covering his head, just partially half his face enough that he can protect it if he has to. He hates when headshots occur.]]

Poor baby. Too bad you don't have a strong man to take the brunt for you- the only piece I'm looking for wouldn't be a chunk of your flesh.

Unless you're into that.


Hnnnggh dat icon unit_202 March 5 2011, 21:49:41 UTC
...Oh. Ohhhhhh. Of course. I remember you. Well that's a neat trick... I like that armor. You'll have to show me how that works sometime.

[No, seriously. Anticipate questioning. Because NEW STUFF ooh.

Her brows crease into a textbook 'are you serious?' face at his remark about needing a man and so forth, and she pulls her hand away to show a hole gaping in her lower torso that even Greed's hand could fit through.]

I can't imagine any man out there taking it better than I can, but thanks for the vote of confidence-- If you decide you would like that chunk of flesh, I think that one's still up on the roof somewhere.


-brb, lolling forever @ Greed.- He makes my own Greed!muse laugh his ass off. general_affairs March 11 2011, 08:03:12 UTC
[ Reno hasn't the time for video, but his voice sounds over the communicator. His voice is raspy and strained from both competitive snarls, and frustrated sounds. Honestly, these fuckers didn't give up. He had shit to do, not deal with the stupid flunkies posted outside Theta's shop! ]

Sounds like...false leads! [ Voice strains again as he smack a couple of oncoming Hearltess back with a swipe of his mag-rod. ] Don't..get yourself beat up, now..I was hopin--Yagh! [ There's a thud as he's thrown to the ground with an odd yelp, but no worries, he's on his feet again with some triumphant snark. ]

Hopin' it'd..take more'n that, now.~


[Voice] I love Spandy's Greed so hard, he's so awful~<3 unit_202 March 11 2011, 14:58:37 UTC
[There's a gasp of concern at the sound of his yelp, but when she speaks up, 202's voice is entirely dry-- Opting instead to take the 'smirk and shrug it off' route again rather than sound too worried. Reno's a big boy, after all, he can handle himself.]

It'll take a lot more than that; I'm fine, sir, it's not a large hole.

Besides, it's not me I'm worried about. You're the one who sounds like he's--[A brief hiss of pain here with no explanation offered--They're small, these things, but so persistent...!]--being used for a basketball out there. I hope your investigations are at least proving more successful than mine have thus far...


[Voice] xD! He is. And penis is, indeed, a slappable offense. Unfortuantely. u u general_affairs March 12 2011, 06:36:08 UTC
[ Fft, don't worry your pretty little head. Given, he still hadn't gotten used to the lack of Rude to bounce off of, he's handling himself well enough. If anything, we should all be concerned about. You know. That gaping hole. ]

Hole, huh? That kinda..sucks, not gonna lieeeeeholyshit! What was... [ Voice strains as he ducks, missing a swooping Heartless. Watches it fly overhead and start to circle before his attention snapped back to the door he was going for. No, no he did not want to fight that. ] Just ringin'..the doorbell. Waitin' for an answer.~


Not MINE~ *pose* Hi I'm Dae I like to be inappropriate <.< unit_202 March 12 2011, 10:30:58 UTC
[That gaping hole will be just fine, her pretty little head won't worry about it if yours won't. 202 isn't entirely used to not having her sister on the scene to back-and-forth with, so she can understand Reno's plight to a degree. Not that her sister was any use in combat, but the conversation's still nice to have. Here, though, she winces at his sudden exclamation.]

Waiting on whom? Are you sure you're all right? I'd take it as a personal favour if you remained more or less intact, you know...

[Okay, now she'll let herself sound a little concerned. Handling himself or not, that didn't sound super-reassuring.]


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