[Accidental Video - Backdated to March 1st]

Mar 04, 2011 08:41

{ooc: This post follows immediately on the heels of this one; No, 202 has no idea what's become of her sister. She was a little busy being thrown off of a roof at the time and missed all of that.}

[The feed clicks on halfway through a bouncing spin, having already hit the earth hard enough to knock it open and set it in motion once more. It eventually comes to rest, the only thing that's conveniently in view being a pile of bricks and drywall that's heaped just slightly off-center on the screen. How exciting.

The pile shudders suddenly, then shifts as something inside of it makes an effort to get out. One hand emerges first, shoving debris aside to make room for the dusty, bleeding head that follows it. 202 finally manages to pull herself free, looking around herself as she does so, and notices the watch after a moment. Well, if it's already broadcasting, then... She drops to her knees, one hand clamped over a fairly substantial, messy hole in her lower torso, and regards the camera coolly]

Well. For the record, the middle of the City seems to be where the party's at.

Reno, I know we'd discussed the park, but...

[Something catches her eye up on one of the adjacent rooftops, and she looks first appalled, then furious. With a wordless snarl, she lunges forwards to grab the watch and snap it closed.]
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