[Accidental Video - Backdated to March 1st]

Mar 04, 2011 08:41

{ooc: This post follows immediately on the heels of this one; No, 202 has no idea what's become of her sister. She was a little busy being thrown off of a roof at the time and missed all of that.[The feed clicks on halfway through a bouncing spin, having already hit the earth hard enough to knock it open and set it in motion once more. It ( Read more... )

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grabbyhandsthx March 5 2011, 13:47:49 UTC
[[Greed's been keeping an eye out, not that he much cares, because anything that looks at him sideways has been getting mashed into the ground. Nothing fucks with the Ultimate Shield.]]

Hands full? Looks like it.


unit_202 March 5 2011, 15:56:15 UTC
[Blink. Who the--what th... Don't mind 202's confusion here, Greed, but she's had a rough day and she's never seen the Ultimate Shield in action before.]

Nonsense! Just the one hand's full, and it'll be done soon enough. Though if you're looking for your own chance at me, I might need to ask you to take a number...


grabbyhandsthx March 5 2011, 21:20:15 UTC
[[Greed laughs amused at the look he gets by this person, shaking his head as he pulls his shield back enough that it's not covering his head, just partially half his face enough that he can protect it if he has to. He hates when headshots occur.]]

Poor baby. Too bad you don't have a strong man to take the brunt for you- the only piece I'm looking for wouldn't be a chunk of your flesh.

Unless you're into that.


Hnnnggh dat icon unit_202 March 5 2011, 21:49:41 UTC
...Oh. Ohhhhhh. Of course. I remember you. Well that's a neat trick... I like that armor. You'll have to show me how that works sometime.

[No, seriously. Anticipate questioning. Because NEW STUFF ooh.

Her brows crease into a textbook 'are you serious?' face at his remark about needing a man and so forth, and she pulls her hand away to show a hole gaping in her lower torso that even Greed's hand could fit through.]

I can't imagine any man out there taking it better than I can, but thanks for the vote of confidence-- If you decide you would like that chunk of flesh, I think that one's still up on the roof somewhere.


As Greed said- it impregnates crowds. grabbyhandsthx March 5 2011, 21:57:09 UTC
[['course she does, what woman doesn't remember Greed? His sexy glances impregnate crowds. Like the smirk he has on the human-esque half of his face at the time, his violet eye turning down to the hole in her body while he speaks.]]

Sorry beautiful, this is reserved for studly guys with this on their hand-

[[This one has an extra hole. The Homunculus raises his hand to bare the marking on it momentarily, then allow for his shield to seal it up once more.

Huh, that injury. Handy. He debates if saying "I digress, madam, your 4th usable hole does have a very sexually adept feeling within mine trousers." would make Martel slap him. Because if it would make Martel slap him, normally it would make other women slap him.

He decides against it. Penis is usually a slapable offense.]]

Yeah? You can't huh?
What about a man that wouldn't happen to, but I may just go collect that bit of flesh. Maybe we can get some superglue or something...
[[He steps closer, taking a look from a few angles. That's not supposed to be as sexy as it seems to him ( ... )


Man, if there's anything worse than ONE pregnancy scare... I'd never smirk in public. NEVER. unit_202 March 5 2011, 22:08:40 UTC
[She huffs a tiny, bemused sigh at the reaction-- Which is definitely not the response the smutty commentary would have gotten, so good call there, Greedy.]

Well, then he wouldn't have gotten hurt, so we'll just have to assume that I can indeed take it better than he could.

[She grins up at him, happy to be making jokes. They keep her mind off of how incredibly bad this hurts.
Clamping the hand back in place so as to keep her insides where they're supposed to be, the girl climbs wearily to her feet to lean against the wall. She's sore and tired, but that grin remains firmly in place-- That whole "murder high" thing goes for the pair of them.]

The superglue won't be necessary, but thank you anyway. What I need is some food. I don't have time to rest, but I'm honestly starting to wonder if those things are edible.


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