Apr 17, 2010 17:26
So over the weekend I've been working to get together my vertical slice for senior project, in other words a small working piece of something to show and start off my project from. And by using the ESS & Sonia Libraries and looking over their samples, I've accomplished a few things so far...
Using both libraries & a combination of samples to see what I can put together, this is what I have:
1) The sketch records a sound and plays it back
2) Displays a meter that detects the volume of sound being inputted
3) Upon mouse release, will play the recording and generate white noise over it. I am looking further into seeing if it'll record in real time and play back without using mouse release but still retaining some form of control. I'm also toying with other filters.
4) It can load a file and also play it over the recorded sample if I want to interfere with sound and that is my goal. I tried to play a sample of crowd ambiance over and for some reason it wouldn't play. I think it's a file problem bc then I loaded another file which was an .aif and not a .wav and it played just fine. Hmm...
What I want by next week:
1) For the sketch to draw something prettier than a default boring meter? XD
2) For the sketch to play sounds back with interference either from a file and/or filters and using either left or right speakers rather than both
3) I'd like the sketch's meter to detect something other than volume so that the filters will change on the output sound depending on the input
I don't know if I'll be able to accomplish it all and my Junior Review is very soon, so my main goal is to get a simple filter on it and have the sounds come out of a specified speaker. So far though, this is a decent start.