Oh my FUCK I just wrote probably the longest backstory EVER!

Mar 17, 2009 20:02

Sorry for flooding your friends list earlier. I backdated most of the entries today which are basically retired SBG apps. I'm still missing Humba Wumba's, if I did one. I'll search the DR later.

Also, because I know this journal gets 24/7 surveillance, I retired the screennames "TakemetoPizzaHut" and "Torment Parade". "Cammiluna" is buddylist-only so anybody that needs to speak to me can send me an LJ Private Message asking to be added.

Journal: sicksadheaven

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Cammi
Are you 13 or over?: yes
LJ username: cammi, rubbishing
Time Zone: -# or +# GMT -5
AIM: [will be passed around]
Tegaki: Rubbishing
Anything Else?:

In-Character Information
Name (and age if applicable): Leon Powalski, age 40
Series: Star Fox
Occupation (if applicable): Mercenary for Hire

It really depends on how and when you look at him.  When he's at his professional element, he has a silent, no-nonsense attitude, giving him a cold, frightening image that may make him innaproachable. And while it doesn't show unless alone, he has a lot of pride in his abilities and high standards, and if his performance amounts to less than that, he'll mentally beat himself up for it till he gets it right.

Of course, put him in most any other situation (which was next to rare for much of his life), and he's your average joe that likes to kick back, enjoy life and be merry.   He can get excitable depending on his surroundings or what he's thinking about, or he can even be snarky to people that give him a hard time and start name-calling, but most general interactions have him with the more polite or eloquant behavior (he addresses females with 'miss,' and in many cases refers to others by their last name) that may even charm the ladies despite his questionable orientation.   Subject pending, he could either be relatively nice in this manner or outright pompous.

Being classy also meant that his standards in taste are nothing less of extremely high.  Fine wines, dining, the best in personal grooming products and luxury living makes his time worthwhile. His fashion sense and overall appearance can often prove otherwise, though, as it had been years since he smartened up for any occasion and mercenary work shouldn't exactly be done while clad in designer clothing.

Then there's also his knife obsession, pain fetish, and outright masochism that developed from his line of work and makes him appear very, very creepy to others who find out about this. On top of it all he has an occasional habit of speaking shamelessly of innapropriate topics. Wolf probably knows this more than anybody.

Lastly, he has a huge liking to nature and its flora.  While he has careful interest in dangerous plants, he really appreciates flowers of all kinds and any small garden he can compile on a terrace or something will become his brooding space.  His place of residence will also have a lot of potted plants and exotic scented candles.

Full-name being Leonardo Powalski, he was born on the planet Fortuna into a branch of the Powalski family; whom as a whole became one of the biggest underground mafia groups in the Lylat system. His mother is the widowed Leah, otherwise known as "Mama Powalski" later on, and as far as he knows, he's an only child and his father was killed before he was hatched. The jungle atmosphere of his neighborhood developed young Leon's love for nature and his mother raised him to be especially sophisticated. He lived a fairly normal childhood until the age of seven when he learned his fate that offspring of the Powalski branch families must serve as dispatched mercenaries for the family business, and that was when he was pulled to study and train to meet his fate.

He became a prodigy at infiltration and espionage over the next while, and Mama Powalski saw great potential to have Leon work diligently and get the fame to put both of them on top of the main family and head of the fortune with Leon to be the next heir. He was flying dogfighters before reaching thirteen, and the years after had him pulling off jobs with absolute flawless precision from theft, sabotage, later on assassination.

His piloting skills (the rest of him being unknown to the general public) earned him an easy spot at the Cornerian Flight Academy, which to him was "the big city." He was always back in the corner as the creepy honors student, except there was a younger pilot who caught his attention by the name of Wolf O'Donnell. They had similar views on a lot of things, especially with the school being full of morons, and they became immediate friends. He of course also saw James McCloud but never met him personally. Leon was too objective-driven by now to waste time on a social whore but he couldn't phase Wolf out of bothering with him.

"The Big City" wasn't as pleasant as Leon had always imagined as a kid. And during his stay on the streets of Corneria City, he also came across this annoying pest of a little boy named Falco Lombardi, age 7. They did not get along.

It was after the time of Andross being banned to venom when Wolf bailed from the academy and Leon tagged along, leaving his honors status behind right before Graduating. The two of them formed their own mercenary team and became a beaming success to get praise from Leon's pride-hungry mother despite bailing out of the academy. Over the next bunch of years, Leon ran into Falco again, now the teenage leader of a gang called "Free as a Bird" This was when Falco got in the way of some of Leon's missions and even caused the chameleon his first failures ever. At some point, he also met Katt Monroe at a Cornerian bar where they got drunk together and hung out like best friends. He has next to no memory of this. Andross began forming an army to wage war against Corneria and enlisted Star Wolf when he saw ther exceptional reputation as mercenary pirates, and that was when Leon left Corneria and Andross' nephew joined their team.

Star Wolf had faced a lot fighting for the Venomian army. Pigma Dengar betrayed the Star Fox team dispatched from Corneria, but he also took over Leon's job of taking care of Peppy (for monetary gain) while Wolf was fighting James McCloud. Leon was persistant in finishing the job himself, but the little fiasco between him and Dengar was what led Peppy to barely escape. The pig then joined Star Wolf as well at Andross' orders.

In came a new Star Fox sometime later when Andross launched his next attack. Sure, Peppy was there, along with Fox's kid and... did he meet that Frog somewhere before?- But then there was Falco Lombardi, now part of this team!

Well, as long as he was ordered to, he'll do the bird away and hopefully for good! However, this did not come to be, even after a second encounter on Venomian grounds.

Once Star Fox took down Andross, the war was over and Star Wolf was out of work and left to be bandits again for the next several years. He wasn't fixated on his revenge for Falco during this time- He found himself above that and subjected himself to further training between what little jobs that were left to stay at his best. And of course, Lombardi disappeared so maybe he dropped dead or something! He dunno! Leon remained as second-in-command to Lord O'Donnell's leadership over the Sargasso Space Station, which was a hideout for many space criminals. Andrew left the team to avenge his uncle and Pigma was booted for his greedy intentions. However, Wolf and Leon weren't on their own again for too long, as they gained a new team member by the name of Panther Caroso, whom Leon knew since he was a kitten.

What brings this person to Diamond City?:
Lylat was facing a terrible recession in the years following the Lylat wars. Bandits weren't getting many jobs anymore and that also left mercenaries of justice such as Star Fox to not have any bandits to chase. It was only coincidential that Star Wolf decided to relocate around the time of Star Fox's Sauria mission, which meant something good was happening for both teams. Diamond City was in a place on a planet that wasn't too far from Lylatian limits and for Star Wolf, it was time for some new grounds to operate on.

Misc. Notes:
  • Leon has a strong background in Zoological studies, which was vital information for how to properly kill all sorts of target species, so when he comes across an interesting creature, he gets really interested! 'Doesn't mean he'll kill you, though!
  • And for that, he will also eventually carry an illegal pokedex
  • And He'll be travelling now and then to the surrounding areas such as Sarasa Land, the Mushroom Kingdom, and then some for exploration maybe some research?. He may bring back home a pet and You may see the reprise of Pepsi and Dr. Pepper Jees
  • Scented. Candles. EVERYWHERE.
  • While he mocks romance or jokes about it, He secretly watches a Soap Opera called "Friends of Mineral Town" and ships Kai x Poppuri. Shut up!
  • While Wolf is more into MANLY drinks, Leon is into the more sophisticated tastes of finer wines or fruity daquiris
  • Leon has a human form which he'll use pretty often because it gets addictive to him.
  • Mama Powalski thinks Leon's human form is "fucking hideous"
  • Until Panther is apped, he's an offscreen NPC going after TEH LADIES. Star Wolf all arrived here together.

In-Character Example Post:
Has anyone ever went into one of those huge corperate towers? Okay, that was a horrible question because if you live here, OF COURSE YOU HAVE TO HAVE BEEN THERE AT LEAST ONCE. I wanted to see the city from the top of one of those towers so I was told at the front desk to take the elevator up a few dozen floors. On floor two I had to dodge arrows, it was raining on the third floor and I had to stay under an umbrella, and I was instructed to hold the form baton in a waitor position but what the flying flip is a form baton?

Iiii... gave up and took the taxi back to the shop. I don't see Wolf anywhere around so maybe he stepped out to the bar or something. This dump really needs to get fixed up badly if we're gonna run a hot business around here but it's not like I've haven't been running off myself! I'm so amusing! heheh!

Differences from SBG*Leon
. Slight difference in human form. namely longer hair
. default clothes no longer the beatnik black getup
. He never disbanded from Star Wolf
. Longtime rivalry with Falco (will this kill our chances of Fleen? stay tuned!)
. More stable, yet still excitable

diamond city starbeans, leon powalski, character app

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