Naval Application

Mar 18, 2009 17:35

Unlike the Leen app where some fanon was carried over from Retro SBG Star Fox (That canon in SBG is currently being retconned), this Naval app is completely redone from the ground up and contains Tetris Attack canon, which lack of that was a huge mistake in her SBG app.

Really, the only thing held over is having a connection to leen but even that's being re-written from scratch. They're bffs with love for flowers and torturous weapons and they go to the lake and braid each others' hair and play patty cake with meat cleavers!

diamondcity_rpg needs some serious promotion so I can get more people in. I have some lists to update, an faq to write and then I'll get to working on that and then I'll unhiatus from nonnom_city

Seriously, I think this new RP actually has potential to be huge! It's like the Final Destination City expansion Ryou once suggested crossed with the nostalgiabomb of Starbeans '04 and sweet hell we have an established and organized AND TOTALLTY FREAKIN' AWESOME Star Fox canon!

Now I think I'm obsessing over Star Fox again! OH WELL!

Journal: gardenofmagic

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Cammi
Are you 13 or over?: Yes
LJ username: cammi, rubbishing
Time Zone: -# or +# GMT -5
AIM: [private, but i has one]
Tegaki: "Rubbishing"
Anything Else?: None to speak of.

In-Character Information
Name (and age if applicable): Naval Audrey Piranha
Series: Yoshi's Island/Tetris Attack
Occupation (if applicable): Small business owner, Morning Star Flower Shop

Naval is an easilly-thrilled and sassy girl that doesn't hesitate to speak what's on her mind.    Sometimes she comes off as a little flirty, but it's usually not her intention or it's sometimes just a joke in which she is just plain mischievious. Her mood is usually chipper as she likes to stay as positive as possible and few things are able to get her down. Should there be a case for concern or problems, she'll still try to at least smile and look for something positive to come out of this, or just pretend everything's going to be alright so she doesn't look weak-hearted.

Now long-retired from the Koopa army, she's fairly approachable to people and gives herself out socially to the world around her.  Sometimes there is difficulty in gaining acceptance considering she's normally a large, monsterous piranha plant and even if she looks sweeter in her humanoid form, she has a disturbing knowledge of weapons and even sells them in her flower shop- her favorite being morning stars.

Some people like that about her, but then there's the fact that Naval never had eyes in her normal form so she's often connecting the right term to the wrong object and in some cases... that's just dangerous, man!

Her friends, she has some, is more comfortable with them, and will do practically anything for them.  To her enemies, she'll still approach some with a smile while giving off sarcastic clues for them to go away, and to her customers, she'll try to approach them as professionally as possible.

She has a little enjoyment for the mischievious, a little interest in torturous methods, loves sorcery, tennis, spa baths, puzzle games and rainy days and can be pretty content when alone with some of those things.

Naval started off as an everyday Piranha plant native to the jungles of Yoshi's Island with not much going on as far as piranha plants were concerned but that was okay! They had a castle to themselves and the only critters that gave them any real problems were the Monkeys outside- always tossing things and spitting watermelon for kicks. There were also the yoshies but most she met were generally annoying derps to be around, but they were a peaceful bunch unlike those monkeys.

Naval stood as the castle's leader. She had a large room to herself deep in the basement that linked to the castle's moat so it was always filled with water. Being queen of the piranhas, however, didn't amount to much since they were just stationary plants with chomping jaws, so she didn't even have bragging rights and it didn't matter.

Many years ago she recieved a visit from a magikoopa named Kamek who asked her to get rid of a Yoshi problem for him for the sake of their young king Bowser. Before she could answer, however, A blue Yoshi also entered the room with a baby on his back and disrupted their conversation. Kamek went onto yelling at the intruders, "Give it up, Yoshi! You cutie without a naval! Ooopp- forget it..." and before Yoshi or Naval could even decipher that, Kamek flew over the plant, fluttering magic dust on her. She jumped into the water to wash it off, only to find herself transformed into a giant piranha monster with long, thorny tentacle vines. She went and used this new power to do as told: To get that Yoshi!

However, if it was any indication, Naval got her name for having a rather unsightly bump on her stem that could have been seen as an outward naval, and unfortunately, it carried over in her transformation that inevitably made it her weak point. The blue yoshi was able to ricochet eggs around to hurt her there and she fell in the end.

Kamek already long escaped and Yoshi proceeded out of the castle with the baby. She never reverted to her previous form, but she became a prominent figure to stick out as leader of the Yoshi's Island Piranha Plants.

Kamek came back to Naval again with a proposition towards island domination by the now-adult King Bowser. Kamek casted a spell over Yoshi's Island to cause a rainstorm that brainwashed the now-peaceful inhabitants into members of the Koopa Troop, and he enlisted Naval and Hookbill the Koopa to stop Yoshi from stopping these plans. Inevitably, Yoshi freed his friends and they all teamed together to save the day.

With intentions then to just return to the castle, she found Kamek's wand which was probably dropped when he flew the coop again. She knew absolutely nothing about sorcery and fluked up a bunch of spells that made things appear, made things transform, and fired lasers.

She wanted to find Kamek again and learn how to use the wand properly and become a proper apprentice. Sure they failed to get Yoshi twice, but maybe she'll be useful to the Koopa army with an added ability! While she never ran into him again, she eventually did learn a few spells herself, while most still ending in failure, she managed to transform herself into a humanoid form.

Adapting to this form was complicated, never having ability to see or maneuver about before, but as she was getting the hang of it, life as a hakuna matata piranha plant just seemed extremely dull now.

What brings this person to Diamond City?:
Naval did a lot of travelling since gaining ability to do so. She visited a lot of kingdoms and islands but once she discovered Diamond City, she deemed this as THE place to stay a while. Many places were big, but this was busy and had so much to offer! It started out tough as she didn't fare well at lots of jobs and was constantly fired, but she managed to scrape up enough in paychecks to rent an old weapons storehouse and make a perky flower shop out of it.

Of course, the place was still cluttered with old [brawl] weapons so she decided to sell those too, and so her Melee Flower Shop was born and has been in operation for several years as she adapted to civillian life.

She lives in an apartment by the docks.

Misc. Notes:
  • "Audrey" is her german name. fffff!
  • Another gijinka.  Naval spends her time mostly in humanoid form.  She appears rather green and similar to a Beanbean citizen, so she's often assumed to come from Beanbean as much as she's never been there before.
  • She has a magic wand stolen from a magikoopa and knows a little bit of magic from experimentation but most spellcasts end up in fail.
  • Her shop also sells handy items such as mushrooms
  • Every morning of her life here includes a trip to Star Beans for coffee. That's usually the best place outside of her shop to find her.
  • Leon Powalski becomes her best customer/bffs for obvious reasons. She referrs to him as "Leen"

In-Character Example Post:
Teeheespresso. Can I have one?

I think the shop is short on hee beans again so they won't be making it for a while. They should get someone to fly over to Beanbean and get some hee beans because the Teeheespresso is probably the best drink Starbeans will ever have and it's worth the $8 price tag! ... some people tend to disagree but it's really just their business?.

It's tuesday so my shop is closed today. I was going to kick back and do nothing but instead I'm heading over to Club Sugar. Have some fun, listen to music, and maybe some of the new people I've seen around will be there! They look like an interesting buch! Not to say people here in general aren't interesting, but... yanno!

No, I really don't have much to say about today because I haven't done much of anything with the store closed! What of it?

diamond city starbeans, naval, character app

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