
Moral of the story? DON'T DRIVE WHEN YOU'RE TIRED!

Aug 17, 2007 13:34

So, last night I went out dancing at Popscene, hung out with Lindsey at Sparky's, and then headed home. I crawled into bed around 4:40am, only to be awoken at 6:40am by a call from my brother, saying that I needed to come pick him up. I ask why, and he tells me that he hit a tree!!

Apparently my brother was hanging out with friends all night and some of them needed rides home. He obliged, and after dropping them off, headed back towards the freeway. While driving down the road, he fell asleep at the wheel and careened into a tree on the right hand side of the road. He hit it with the front right corner of the car, which might have saved him from serious injury, because the entire dashboard dislodged and entered the cabin of the car. The car (2003 Volkswagen Jetta) is completely totaled, the engine is all fucked up and totally crumpled in on itself. Thank god he had already dropped his friends off, because had someone been in the passenger seat they might have been seriously injured. Luckily he walked away with it with a lightly sprained ankle and wrist.

I wanted to take pictures of the car, but unfortunately all my digital cameras have been borrowed by friends at the moment, and in my haste to pick my brother up, I forgot to take my camera phone with me.

And I should mention that we JUST paid $1,500 to fix that car less than a week ago. And because it was my mom's car before they got divorced and she moved away, my dad was going to sell it to me.
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