
(no subject)

Aug 20, 2007 12:29

I was summoned to report for jury duty this morning, at 8:30am. Victor was sleeping over, so I had to get up even earlier to drive him home first. Keep in mind, I had trouble getting up at 1:30pm yesterday.

So I arrive at the courthouse, sit around doing absolutely nothing (forgot to bring the ipod or a book or even a fucking slip of blank paper to doodle on), while observing the annoying little habits of everyone around me and continually readjusting myself in the terribly uncomfortable seat.

So a diet pepsi, 2 bathroom breaks, and 4 hours go by, and I've finally gotten myself into a semi-comfortable position that allows me to kind of nod off, when the clerk gets on the booming Voice-Of-God PA system and requests that everyone return to the Jury Assembly Room. Another 15 minutes of everyone slowly trickling back into the room from making phone calls or taking bathroom breaks, and the judge comes in to thank us for coming, but that they just don't need us. Thanks for coming! Bye!

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