(no subject)

Jul 11, 2009 13:20

I want to spend the day drinking white wine at a pool sometime during which I get a massage. I want emily's birthday of.. last year? year before? back. That's all. Can't afford the spa. So what's plan B? I am in need of pampering. I am not going to post all the TMI but I have some serious freaking medical SHIT going down and I'm just so damn tired of it, and it's been what, two years of doctors doctors doctors try this try this oh that doesn't work okay try this and I want it to be OVER and I just want to FEEL GOOD and it's affecting other areas of my life and then the medication for one thing affects the other and it's a horrible, horrible cycle.


So I want to go to a spa. It's also flipping hot, so all I want is water. I also had the weirdest freaking sleep pattern the last two days and now it's almost 2pm and I'm a zombie. A greasy, smelly, needs-a-shower zombie.

So. Step one. Take shower.

Step two. Beach? parent's pool? Something? I don't know. Can't think there yet. Step one: Shower.
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