This post is brought to you by turtles! Aren't turtles wonderful? Let's focus on the turtles for a little while!
This post is also brought to you by the cute that is my puppy dog. Usually when I say "Juno, bed" she heads happily to her crate which is NEXT to MY bed. This time, not so much.
Juno and I start puppy training on Sunday. I'm very excited about that.
Yesterday I decided I wanted to look outwardly the way I felt inside, so I put on a white halter top sundress, cowboy boots, and a gigantic straw hat (seriously, if it rained it would provide cover for my whole family) and went out to the garden to work on the grapes. I began the crazy untangling process - the grapes look horrible now, but the vines are longer and straighter and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Speaking of which, I'm actually going to make a tunnel of grapes, so that's exciting. I just need more posts! And rope! And time... The garden is doing good - I have jalapenos already. The tomatoes look strong, as does the basil. The rest of the stuff I am impatient for. le sigh.
Yesterday I was shopping at Costco with my mom and she tricked me into getting my eyes examined. Stupid headaches. Stupid costco. So today I am wearing glasses.
Today the plan is to work til 3, drive around behind Home Depot and see if I can get any free wood for the grapes, work on those for a while, then clean the house and prepare for the parrrrrttyyy! Excited for tomorrow!
I do miss my boyfriend, however. Tis the fly in the ointment. He's asleep when I leave and I'm asleep when he gets home. I always have him wake me up when he gets home, but I never remember our conversations the next day. Sigh. At least this only happens 4 days out of the week.