Jan 08, 2010 21:49
WHO: Cho and Kale
WHAT: baking and puttering and tinkering and all manner of distracting things
WHEN: Friday evening
WHERE: her still slightly decorated main room
The furniture had been moved back quite some time ago, the tree was still standing in the corner, because it still looked wonderful, and it made the room smell fantastic, but none of the glowing ornaments had been reactivated once they faded. It looked... not bad, just empty. Empty in a way that Cho couldn't even really pin down, and so she was avoiding it.
She was avoiding it with bread. Lots of bread. And, in response to some rather surprising feminine leanings, attempting to figure out a formula for a lip stain that wouldn't spoil. So far she'd just gone through a lot of beets and her mouth looked like she'd been eating popsicles. It was a nice colour, but she'd have been more pleased if she knew how to make it fade. She also had a weird little accordion thing that she was attempting to learn how to play. That was going spectacularly badly. Still, a distraction was a distraction, even if it happened to take the form of a musical train wreck.
Cho missed Ianto. Not that she'd been seeing a ton of him, but still... he'd been there. She missed Bret always hanging around. She missed Sonic, seeing him zipping around, almost able to hear it. She missed Niko and Kale and Markon, fighting their war and too busy for her. She'd attempted to have a normal conversation with Milo once. That had been interesting.
npc: kale,
cho takahashi