So remember when I said we weren't gay? Yeah. Well...

Mar 15, 2010 23:37

Who: Bret, Cassandra, probably Jemaine also maybe too
What: Catching up
When: Monday March 15th
Where: Bret and Jemaine's place

Bret had returned home to discover Jemaine was fast asleep. Apparently they'd gone pretty far off of each other's timelines. Oh well. Bret had cat-ownership-related things to do. Which were, somehow, more impressive if he had already done them when Jemaine woke up when compared to the times when Jemaine had to remind him. Something to do with responsibility.

He was in the middle of one of the ickier responsibilities when he heard a knock on the door. Relieved by the genuine distraction, he hurried over to the door, Mackenzie right on his heels.

cassandra of troy, bret mcclegnie

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