Nov 17, 2005 17:50
Well, I finally called Cheryl the manager at Fireworks today. She was so happy to hear from me, and my offer still stood for working there over the holidays! This is how the beginning of the conversation went:
Cherly: Fireworks Gallery Westlake this is Cheryl how may I help you.
Me: Hi Cheryl its Rosie!
C: Roooossssiiieeeee!!!! Hiii How are yooouuuuu? How is school? I'm so glad you called. I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten about us. I was going to give you a few more days before I called you begging you to come back over the holidays.
M: Well, that's exactly what I was calling about: to see if the offer still stands.
C: Offfff ccoooooouuurrrrsseeee it does!! How soon can we get you?
And the rest is history. I'm working 40 hours a week between December 10th and December 28th. I'm so happy. It will probably be insane, but when I get done with work I'll come outside and be immersed in the Christmas spirit downtown. Yay for having money next quarter!!!! It's a really nice feeling to know that if all goes well I can probably work there every break if I want.
On another note I register for my classes next quarter. Things are looking like I'll probably get the classes I want...