Title: Trust Author: Rosieknight Rating: Everyone! Fandom: Captain America: The First Avenger Characters: Steve Rogers aka Captain America Disclaimer: I don't own Captain America, obviously. I just enjoyed writing about the character for fun. Words: 794
Today's my birthday and in honor of the hobbit tradition, I have fic for you to enjoy.
Title: 28 M/OPs Part 2 Rating: PG-13 Character: Megatron and Optimus Prime 'Verse: G1 with IDW elements. Disclaimer: I don't own them and I write fanfiction for fun. No copyright infringement is intended.
Title: 28 M/OP fics, Part 1 Rating: Varies Characters: Megatron, Optimus, and others 'Verse: G1, with IDW elements Author: Rosieknight Disclaimer: Not mine, obviously.
Title: The Last Sentinel of Krypton. Author: Rosieknight Characters: Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg. References to Lois Lane and Clark Kent. Rating: G 'Verses: The Sentinel/Lois and Clark
Title: Femme Fatal (Part 4) Author: RosieKnight Rating: High PG-13 or low R Characters: Megatron, Optimus Universe: G1 cartoon, with elements of IDW for Megatron's past and headcrest. Disclaimer: Not mine!
Title: Femme Fatal (Part 3) Author: RosieKnight Rating: PG-13 for implications Characters: Megatron, Optimus Universe: G1 cartoon, with elements of IDW for Megatron's past and headcrest. Disclaimer: Not mine! Author's Note: Special thanks to stormqueen873 for RPing this out with me.
Title: Femme Fatal (Part Two) Author: Rosieknight Rating: PG-13 for implications Characters: Megatron, Optimus Universe: G1 cartoon, with elements of IDW for Megatron's past and headcrest. Disclaimer: Not mine!