molly_world 1. Southern -Yes ma'am I am! Southern to me is a lot of things. A wonderful collection of soft, slow, blurry accents. Colloquialisms that are peerless. Gentle and modest men. Socially polite ladies. People of both genders possessed of great depth and strength of character. Community. Tent revivals in August, hats and white gloves in some places. A slower pace. An enormous extended family that you cannot figure out how you are related to but your mother's generation knows it all.
2. Cook - I love to cook. I love the creativity of it. I lvoe to feed people (at least people that aren't food phobic). I love the sense of communtiy of a meal with friends. I love cooknig small feasts nithe SCA. 100 or so tops. Bigger than that and the creativity and fun go out of it for me. And I can't meet the basic requirement of sending hot food out hot and cold food out cold......
3. Bike- When I was a kid my bike was my independent form of transportation. Now it is a recently rediscovered pleasure. I like being out in the sunshine, looking at the scenery, spending some time with DH. The latter getting easier since I have figured out that he really just wants to spend some time w/me vice going fast.
4. Faith- this one made me laugh becaue I wondered at first how it applied to me. I am not church-going, so not outwardly very observant. But I think I keep faith pretty well. I really believe in our better angels. I believe most people will rise to an occasion, they may need a nudge to get going but so do I. I believe that there are some things that are right and wrong. But I believe there is a lot more gray areas and that faith serves you best in puzzling these out. I believe in my darkest hours I have not walked alone.
5. Family- one of the very foundations of my existence. One of my greatest treausres, both the one I was born to and the one that took me in when I married.