Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.
orlacarey 1) books - I would rather read than eat! I learned to read at such a young age that no one knows when I learned, I showed up in kindergarden knowing how. Books are adventure and escape and travel and knowledge and wisdom and comfort for me. one of my favorite quotes goes something like "You are now the person you will be in 10 years except for the people you meet and the books you read."
2) cooking- Its all about creativity for me. I am a natural cook, I smell spices to see if I want to put them in a dish, I think about if i want to add that color to a dish when choosing ingredients, that texture. My kitchen is stocked with staples and I come home and cook what inspires me that evening.
3) Dun Carraig- Wow, its my third child. I was 22 when D.C. was formed. I have spent half of my life creating this space. I've gotten back much more than I've ever put in. I love it, it makes me crazy, it makes me proud. I've seen the very best of humanity here and the absolute dregs. Its a microcosm of the larger world.
4) Thankful Thursday- I lead such a charmed life. This helps me remember that most of the time I walk in the sun. And maybe it lets some of the wonderful people in my life know how much I care for them.
5) knitting - knitting is therapy. I can't worry and knit at the same time. And it is a way for me to make something beautiful and often practical. And since I have a math brain, I can change sizes and such like without too much trouble.