Jun 29, 2009 17:57
So the other day, I spilled pop on the keyboard. As soon as I did that, my moniter started fuckin' up. :-/ Good thing we had another computer. :-) So we swtiched the moniters and this moniter has better coloring and everything. :)
Yesterday, I only had 3 hours of sleep when G-ma Debbie brought Hannah back home. :-/ Then, I went to the church for the rummage sale. :) You pay $5 for a garbage bag and you can fill it. Well, I found a bunch of stuff I liked, and so did my mom and sister. :) Needless to say, I was carrying these bags around for 2 hours. :-/ PLUS, I had to go to work for 12 hours.
NOW, I'm sore as hell, my hands are so numb they HURT. I kept waking up because they were so numb and hurt so bad. :-/ And I have to go get ready for dinner, and work. I don't want to go to work. :-(
g-ma debbie,