My night and day. :-/

Jun 26, 2009 19:40

So, I went to sleep last night at about 10 and woke up 2 hours later. Stayed up and made icons. YAY! It's SO addictive. I donno if that's a good thing, or a bad thing. :-/ I'll probably never sleep again.

At about 10 I met Trisha half-way from school, and after that, went to the church to help setup for the rummage sale again. Trisha watched the Bean for me. :) I spent $30 there, and got a nice bedspread, some knick-knacks and sweaters.

Came home took about an hour nap. Then Hannah's G-Ma called, she came and picked her up. Now, I just made a few more icons, and I gotta go clean, and then go to the store. :p

trisha, daughter, beanie, work, church, school, sleep, icons, g-ma debbie, hannah

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