Daily/Nightly things...

Jun 30, 2009 17:27

To start things off, I got sent home early last night, at like, 9:30... Which means I only worked an hour and a half. :-/ NOT cool. I NEED my moneys!!

A guy at work let me borrow his 'Across the Universe' DVD. :D I've been wanting to see that and never really had the chance to. :-/ So, YAY ME!! :)

I forgot my taco salad in the fridge at work. :-(

It worked out kind of good that I got off at 9:30 though, because my sister gets off at  9:30 also, and she works in Niles too. So there wasn't that much gas wasted. ;p

I get home about 10:00 and Hannah's still up. She's on the phone with her friend, who's convienently named Hanna. They were both getting ready for bed, so I figured let 'em talk for a few minutes.. :-/

Got Hannah finished and ready for bed, and fell asleep with her. Woke up at about 2 or 3 in the morning. FINALLY watched True Blood.... LOVED IT, as always. :) Made more icons... Janey, you have me addicted now!! ;p Fixed the lighting on my pc. Now I can actually SEE things!! :) Like on my layout that Janey made... I DID NOT know that the gate and trees and whatnot were in the background!!! OMG. SHOCKER THERE!! But a good shock. ;)

Hannah woke up about quarter to 6 and I was in the middle of watching True Blood. NOT something I want her watching. :-/ So, I tried to put her back to sleep, didn't work. But she did stay upstairs long enough for me to watch the end. :D

Then about 9:45, my Uncle Bob comes and picks me, Erica and Steve up to get this desk I got at the Rummage sale. :) Was NOT as heavy as we thought. It was about 10:30 when we got done with everything and Hannah and me took a nap. :) We woke up about 1:30 and got ready to take her to the docs to get her cast off. :)

Her bone healed crooked, but they said it SHOULD straighten out as she hit another growth spurt. :-/ So, I donno. I'm taking her back in 3 months to see if it worked itself out yet. I hope it does.

We got some dinner, came home, and Hannah's friend Hanna and her brother Kollin came over. So I gots a busy night ahead of me.

work, kollin, steve, sleep, uncle bob, arm, janey, nap, bones, icons, true blood, food, hanna, hannah, movies, erica

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