[As soon as she woke up in her cell at the Keep, Iriel counted to ten. It was the only thing that kept her from running out and exposing herself in a potentially hostile environment. While counting, she checked herself for weapons. Bow and quiver, check. Handgun, check. Knife, check. Rifle...missing. The last time she'd had it, it had been kicked
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The only way we'll know for certain is seeking out answers for ourselves, I'm afraid.
But no. There hasn't been any proof our worlds are truly gone. And no one--as far as I know--has been able to leave this place of their own accord.
Good thing I'm already doing that then. So, do you have any useful information about anything around here? Things you've seen for yourself, or reliable accountings?
Oh, yeah. There is a giant killer octopus in the lake. I have seen it kill, and it's fast. Death doesn't last here, though. If someone dies, that person shows up within a week after their death with zero memories intact. You get your memories back after a few days, but... waking up covered in blood and not knowing who you are or what this place is isn't exactly fun.
[A sigh.]
You don't need to worry about this place too much, though. The others brought here are people you should be able to rely on. So far, every person I met here I trust with my life.
Just... beware the lake and the forest and the tunnels beneath the Keep. Things...areenMt what they seem.
A giant killer octopus in a lake. Impermanent death comes with temporary amnesia?
[Iriel doesn't address the fact that the girl has chosen to trust the other "guests" with her life. That's the girl's call, and as far as Iriel's concerned, the only person who has her trust now is Riah.]
Is that it or do you know anything more? About the Keep? Its staff? Have there been any escape attempts?
There is more. There's always more. I don't know half as much as I would like about this place, though. The tunnels beneath the Keep can only be accessed when the lord in charge allows it. If you damage the property here in any way, there is a medieval punishment waiting to happen and you will be on display for any and all to see ( ... )
As for the staff?
[She prompts Chloe after the girl trails off, then stops short.]
Wait, there's an armory here?
[Jackpot. Oh the biggest jackpot. A break. A fucking break to be had and Iriel is damned pleased. If they could get everyone armed, perhaps they had a real shot of getting everyone out and back to where they belonged.]
Yeah, there is an armory, but everything you find there will be blunted down. Even items people arrived with here are now blunt. A-among other things...
Y-you'll find some of the people here have special abilities. We're all different. We all come from different worlds.
[She'll keep it vague. Not out herself unless this woman seems overly interested--like she might be a supernatural herself.]
What good is an armory of weapons that are blunted down? Training weapons aren't going to protect anyone.
[She swears under her breath. This sucks. So much]
I've heard some of the people here aren't...normal. So if you really are all from different worlds what can some of these people do?
[She doesn't sound judgmental, but curious. A bit brusque, perhaps, but it is hopefully clear by now that Iriel's trying to hit the ground running with as much information as she can gather off the start. She just doesn't like surprises of this nature, okay?]
I don't know, but there isn't much you can do even with something sharp when facing stone crocodiles that want to eat you.
[She considers this. Best to warn the woman so she could get used to the idea. Chloe didn't want any freak-outs, thank you.]
Some people are not human. They are aliens. Or trolls. Or... or something else entirely. As for abilities, there are a great many. Some can shift into animal counterparts. Others can levitate, or do other things similar to that. Wh-who knows, there may be some here who can cast spells, o-or talk to the dead.
[She tried to sound nonchalant about those two things. And probably failed.]
There is at least one elemental. And a gryphon. There may even be people here wh-who can move items with their minds.
[Chloe bites her lip, silent for a moment. She holds her breath, waiting for the inevitable freak out. Or sigh of relief.]
Do any of these people used their powers or their strengths against others unprovoked? Or are they at least good at keeping it all to themselves?
[There's a bit of a softening to her tone. Iriel may not believe all of this yet but Chloe's proving to be informative, though perhaps a bit meek as well.]
And I...appreciate your time for answering me.
[It's a thank you. Of sorts.]
Of all the people here, I haven't heard of anyone using their powers or abilities against anyone else. Some... h-have been infected in the past and attacked those here without realizing it, but...
[A deep breath.]
They were not themselves. Had they not gotten sick, it never would have happened. The illness is gone now, but we still remember what happened. You may not believe me but... i-if you die here... y-you come back to life. N-not like a z-zombie or anything, but really back to life. You just... don't remember who you are, or anyone around you for a few days.
[She pauses, allowing that to sink in.]
Y-yeah. No problem. Just... try not to damage any of the Keep, okay? People... p-people get punished for that.
If you have any questions, you can find me. I'm willing to tell you everything I know.
[Because that meant they were all working together here, and Chloe worried they would need that to survive this place and find out what was really ( ... )
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