Title: Early birds
Rating: K
Characters: Sparkplug, Hoist
T-Verse: Generation 1
Summary: Humans sometimes use caffeine to help wake up in the morning. We may also drink a cup of coffee because it’s soothing, or a habit.
Prompt: #1 Setting: Someone needs his daily energon equivalent of caffeine.
Several months after the inhabitants of the Ark woke from stasis and found new allies among the humans Sparkplug hauled himself out of the maintenance vent Hoist had lowered him into.
“All clear.” Sparkplug dislodged fallen dirt from his clothing. “Good morning, Gears!” He called out as the mech walked past.
“Hmph, good morning indeed!” Gears muttered. “Lousy way to start the day - lousy way to end a shift too.”
“Is he okay?”
Hoist replaced the grill cover. “I wouldn’t be too upset, Sparkplug. Gears is always like that.”
“Oh, sounds like he needs his morning cup of coffee.” Sparkplug shrugged, went back to helping hoist double-check the integrity of the maintenance vents.
Title: Mutual pain
Rating: K+
Characters: Carly, Megatron
T-Verse: Generation 1
Summary: Migraines are a pain - thankfully, the light in the Decepticon base won’t aggravate the senses.
Prompt #2 Headache
“Oh! My head is killing me!” Carly moaned, rubbed the temples of her forehead.
Megatron paused his tirade. Looked at his organic prisoner. “How can one’s head kill you?”
“Not so loud!” Carly scrunched her eyes shut, curled up into a ball. “My headache is really bad today.” She remained small, huddled in the corner.
The Decepticon warlord did not know what to make of this new development. “Starscream?”
Starscream glanced briefly in the shivering human’s direction. “Since when am I the expert on human ailments?”
“You and Skywarp both use earth materials for pranks.” Megatron countered. “Fix her, so she can be properly interrogated.”
“Quiet!” Commanded Carly. “Your voices are too loud!”
Scarlet red optics drilled holes into a certain sub-commander’s helm. “Fix her now.” Megatron strolled off, wondering what Optimus would be willing to trade in exchange for the fleshy’s safe return.
Title: Defying Death
Rating: K
Characters: Acid Storm, RainMaker Trine
T-Verse: Generation 1
Summary: Seekers test their flight prowess in the worst weather possible - just because.
Prompt: 3: Setting - In A Thunderstorm
Over the Atlantic Oceans, heavy storm clouds were the norm. This far from land, away from the usual trading routes and old military bases, Jets in the sky were unusual sights.
Mixing the two would have sent human pilots signaling a mayday, as they tried for a water landing. Most human fighter plane’s weren’t equipped for water-landings, and could only sink beneath the waves, fate forever unknown, because the electrical storm played havoc on all sensors and most equipment.
These three airplanes weren’t earth jets. They were Cybertronian Seekers.
“Hey, AcidStorm! You done playing chicken with the lightning?”
“Just getting started, Cloudburst. - What’s your hurry?”
“Getting low on fuel, Acidstorm.”
“PlasmaBurn - are you low?”
“Not yet,” reported the third member of the Rain Maker Trine. “I like how my systems tingle when lightning flashes by.”
“Still don’t like being exposed out here,” Insisted Cloudburst. “We were supposed to get permission before taking off.”
“Ah!, You worry too much.” AcidStorm nonetheless angled down to land.
Cloudburst and PlasmaBurn followed their leader into the depts. Of the uncharted oceans. The underwater Decpeticon base wasn’t home, but it was secure.
Title: Face Off
Rating: Teen (mentions of deactivation)
Characters: Thundercracker, Cyclonus
T-Verse: Generation 1
Summary: Thundercracker stares down death - protecting his trine from a fate worse than death
Prompt #4: The best solution is to scream as loud as possible
Thundercracker chewed on the nickel-and-iron gag. He was aware and refused to let himself or his trine be executed. (Thundercracker noted sadly, that Starscream and Skywarp hadn’t yet emerged from stasis - it was up to him to save them).
Thundercracker chewed some more, swallowing metal flakes. A few more bites, and the gag should fall off, releasing his mouth.
Cyclonus watched Thundercracker avidly, did nothing to prevent the trussed mech form nibbling at the bindings - the blue seeker couldn’t untie the knots and could hardly move in the first place.
Thundercracker’s metal gag fell off. The crazed seeker stood right in front, staring at the severed rug, a puzzled look on his visage.
Cyclonus didn’t have time to recover from his puzzlement before the prisoner’s sonic scream disoriented him.
Thundercracker’s screech woke Starscream and Skywarp - while they took care of the manacles, Thundercracker screamed again, permanently offlining the dimwitted winged guard.
Title: Quick Repairs
Rating: K
Characters: Ironide,
T-Verse: Generation 1
Summary: Battle wounds sometimes go more than surface deep - and take time to heal properly.
Prompt: #5 Scenario: Someone has strong accent
“How’s Ironhide?”
“He’s fine, Jazz - the bump to his head hasn’t caused any permanent damage.”
“You sure, Rach? Ironhide wasn’t too steady on his feet right after the blow.”
“Em fain.” Ironhide rumbled, letting the overly concerned mech know he was awake.
Jazz took a second to respond. “You sure, Hide?”
Jazz tossed a look at the medic. Ratchet ignored it. “If you feel any distress, come right back.”
“Siura, dok.”
Ratchet winced. “Just one favor, Ironhide.”
The red mech waited. What was the catch for his early release?
“Give your speech processors time to reset.”
“Ya cen’t iundairstain miu?”
“Not really, no.” Jazz responded.
Ironhide nodded. He didn’t like talking for the sake of talking anyway.
Title: Bolt from the blue
Rating: K+
Characters: Smokescreen, surprise
T-Verse: Generation 1
Summary: Forsaken Friends might respond in unforeseen ways
Prompt #6 - song
Smokescreen examined his dank surroundings. His spark sank when he found the bound and gray form of Swtichboard. “Guess my chances of escape are low.”
“No one’s successfully escaped from Gefangnis Drei.” The mostly-black mech who’d helped capture Smokescreen spoke up. “Attempts made are welcome - moving targets are better target practice anyhow.”
Smokescreen made no move to reach the open door of his cells. He was examining the second Decepticon who captured him. When that familiar-looking mech left, Smokescreen spoke again. “Swindle’s moved on, you know.”
The black guard appeared not to have moved. Smokescreen still noticed the stiffening. “Your partner? He’s no longer interested in you - doesn’t give a glitch-mouse tail for your feelings. I’ll bet my successful escape on it.”
“Lousy thing to wager - it’s not yours to hand over.” The mech turned to face him, red optics glaring. “Least you could do is offer the contents of your cache.”
“Sadly, my subspace has been emptied - I have nothing to bargain with.” Smokescreen raised manacled arms to emphasis his helplessness. “But, if I had access to a set of cards, I could remedy my lack of funds.”
The Decepticon snorted, amused. “Sure, I’ll go find your cards - remember, if you leave that room, you’re a moving target, and we aren’t paid to miss.”
“Not going anywhere.” Smokescreen promised. As the Decepticon departed, Smokey hoped his read of Swindle was accurate, that the con had indeed fond another partner, wasn’t just thinking about new opportunities.
Smokescreen didn’t have to wait long.
The mostly-black guard returned - with a set of keys. “Bold move, Autobot. How’d you know?” He unlocked the manacles.
Smokescreen stood upright. “I was partnered up with Swindle a long time ago - before the war.” That much was true, but he didn’t add in the fact he was also trained as a shrink.
The Decpticon led the way out. His body language revealed nothing to Smokescreen. “Think the Autobots will let me take him and his gesalt out?”
Smokescreen stumbled. “Swindle’s part of a gestalt now?”
“Autobots are really bad at securing Intel if that news is a surprise. Clearly your department needs help.” The nameless Con seemed more amused than aggravated.
Smokescreen had noticed their convoluted path had them encountering now one. “What are you saying?”
“We get you to the nearest Autobot base, and I change sides.”
“Red Alert won’t be happy - not with a defector, not with a spy, not with an undercover agent.” Smokescreen considered. “Then again, Red’s never happy.”
“New Identity doesn’t need to have con connections.”
“What designation?” Smokescreen asked, intrigued.