Moving on

Jul 09, 2016 08:18

I stopped by my boss' office on the way home and asked how the week had gone. He's been involved in interviews for various posts for most of the week. Apart from the one BA, none of it had gone very well.

He did say, though, that when he was interviewing for the BA post, he was conscious that, if they appointed anyone, they had to be demonstrably further along the BA path than me. Whilst that doesn't help me in one sense - why haven't you spent the last three years guiding me along that path and taking into account all of the BA-type work that I'd done for the 12 years before that?!?! - it shows that he wants to consider himself a considerate boss. I think intention is important, here - and it's more than I got from my line manager.

And that's all I'm going to say on that. I'm done with the angst. It's unproductive and unhelpful.

I'm slowly working my way through Mannerley. I'll finish the current 'beta read', then go through once more to smooth out any remaining rough patches - should have that finished by the end of July. Then I can park it and start thinking about Nano 2016 - yay!

I bought Flower the other day and it's such a sweet game. The graphics are beautiful. The flowers are all really detailed when you get close to them. The wide shots aren't as detailed but they're mostly grass, so... I'm taking my time with it because I have a LOT of time to fill between now and the end of September! There are games I want (Witcher, DAI) but I don't want to get started on them and then either stop playing or wait for FFXV. The demo really whet my appetite, graphics wise. But I know I'm going to die. A LOT.

OK, rambling over. Time to get this day started.

ffxv, work is what i do to afford the fun stuf, mannerley, ps4

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