And we are in print!

Jul 14, 2016 07:13

I have been published before, of course, on Shotgun Honey but this is a real, actual book! It's an anthology called 'Spark' - 34 stories from 14 writers - and it's available on Amazon. I have 4 stories in there, all of which are available on my blog, too. It's priced at $3 on Kindle but the contributors aren't making anything on it. $3 between 14 doesn't go very far, I suppose, and the chances are it won't be hitting the 'best seller' list. Any money raised will go to charity - the editors are currently in discussions with a Muslim charity that helps Syrian refugees. And, as I say, you can read all of the stories for free on our blogs, anyway.

But it is VERY exciting to see my name in a real book, even an ebook. It will give me the extra little nudge I need to finish Mannerley properly, I think.

Work is more fun than usual this week because it's Graduation Week. I get to do my best Vogon impression, stamping up and down the Cathedral and shouting at people to get to their seats. Love it!

getting published, graduation, read my book!, writing

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