It's Been A While

Mar 10, 2016 18:55

Hey everyone, it's been awhile.

I just got my JUMPing CARnival concert DVD in the mail. While watching it, I realized how amazing it was to go and see it live. I hope I get the chance to go and do something like that again. Going to Japan was a really great experience and I had a lot of fun. However, I was thinking of going to England next year instead of trying to go to Japan again. I want to travel to different places in the world.

I went to San Francisco with my childhood friend and her baby girl for a couple days this week. She's been having a rough time lately and we did some much needed bonding. She ended up buying the entire Sailor Moon manga collection at Kinokuniya's, lol. I bought a few Haikyuu!! and Daiya goodies. Speaking of Haikyuu!!, the anime is getting to a crucial part in the series. I'm glad they animated some of my favorite manga panels, but there are some really good ones that they didn't animate. :/

Digimon Tri 2 comes out on streaming tomorrow morning. I'm probably going to watch it with my friend next week when I have a day off from work.

P.S. I got my new SZ album in the mail too. I got Sou's card. 

anime, friends, haikyuu!!, real life, hey say jump, daiya no ace, fandom

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