Wada Takuma

Apr 11, 2016 11:23

I have fallen back into stage acting thanks to my love for sports manga/anime. It first started more than 10 years ago when I was into Prince of Tennis and Tenimyu stages. Those where my jam in high school. <3 But now there is Haikyuu!! and Ace of Diamond...and this guy..I have fallen for Wada Takuma so hard. Funnily enough, he is a newer generagtion of Tenimyu actor as well as playing my all time favorite anime character. He plays Miyuki Kazuya. I love that jackass so much, lol.

Wada Takuma, the one with the eye gear.

In other news, my dad said that he might go to Japan with me next year. That should be an interesting adventure if he does. Hostel/hotel arrangements will be a bit more tricky, but I'm kind of excited that he's interested in going with me. I'm not sure what he would want to do there though. He likes Japanese food alright, but I'm not certain what other parts of the culture he's interested in...Maybe a baseball game or something. He might like that. I'll have to research some places to take him that he might like.

Also!!!! They're making me supervisior at work quite often lately. It's weird being the one in charge of such a big place, but it's fun and my coworkers are all amazing and fun. I love them.

I'm going to San Francisco for the Cherry Blossom Festival this weekend!! I'm gunna spend some time with arisu_chan25. I haven't seen her in a few months and I miss her. 

wada takuma, daiya, tenimyu, real life, ace of diamond, japan

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