Well that escalated quickly

Nov 09, 2015 07:27

Just a heads up to everyone that I am no longer in the Johnny's fandom. I'm not saying I'm not going to post about them or not talk about them, but the fandom is just not for me anymore. I've spent over a decade in it and I have met a lot of great people. The last year I have been having bad bouts of depression and anxiety with everything happening in my life. Johnny's used to be a place that made me forget about my worries. It no longer does that for me.

I still love HSJ and SixTONES with all my heart and will keep up to date with them, but I just can't bring myself to be active any longer.

I have fallen head first into the Haikyuu!! fandom. It helps that a lot of my friends are also crazy about it. It gives me life at the moment. I have met a couple of new friends because of it too. It's like PoT fandom all over again for me. When I realize it, I was happier in that fandom almost a decade ago than I was in Johnny's fandom too. I will embrace my Haikyuu!! feels. Anyone on flist a fan?


haikyuu!!, johnny's, confession

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