Лучший сайт дня: кто-то навыдергивал отрывков из дословно записанных речей Сары Пэйлин и - как бы это сказать - превратил их в стихи. Нет, не превратил конечно, скорее открыл в них стихи - сайт так и называется: The found poetry of Sarah Palin. Я бился в истерике. С одной стороны, невероятно смешно и даже в какой-то степени прекрасно. С другой... holy geez, I'm scared.
"That Mr. Klein Is No Pal of Mine"
What a piece of work
That Mr. Klein is!
For the piece
That he wrote, that is
Something else, you know
You would hope,
That the powers that
Be at a, quote, unquote,
"Reputable" organization
Like Time magazine
That they would hold
Their employee-e-e
And I assume that
Mr. Klein gets paid
For the columns that
He writes-that they
Would hold their employee
"Blue Dog Peekaboo"
Blue-dog Democrats
Peeking under the tent.
You know …
and finding out,
And Holy Geez! I'm scared!
"Prayer Before Debating Joe Biden"
I said, "Piper, 'kay,
I'm going out onstage.
I'm debatin' this guy,
it's going to be kind
of tough," I said. "SO PRAY!"
I said, "Piper, just pray
that I win, 'cause you know,
why not, just pray that
I do well-and, oh!,
Man, try and keep it
easy," I said. "JUST PRAY!"