
Jul 03, 2009 16:04

 Bruce Lee said "Do not fear the man who practices ten thousand techniques but the one who practices one technique ten thousand times". To the gym last night and my Ju-Jitsu class. I was matched weight-wise with a six foot culchie from Tyrone half my age. He never got a point against me but we know what St Paul said about boasting. Especially in Ju-Jitsu (with perhaps an over reliance on physicality) the old chestnut of strength versus technique is to the fore. Heather was dithering about joining Tae Kwon Do. She was put off by the aggressive aspects. The essence of any art of self defence is to knock your opponents face into the back of their head. Shabby? But then it is a shabby world. 

korea, independent minds, judo

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