Brother Khaled and "Ik houve van jou, Vicki Binns".

Jun 30, 2009 16:29

Anna Lo, (Alliance party, Belfast) is a decent person. She is also the only "ethnic minority" political representative here. It seems she has received threats as has the Islamic centre that I attend. To paraphrase "When the came for the gypsies I did nothing, I am not a gypsy. When they came for the Poles I did nothing..." The Romanian gypsies brought a lot of unwanted attention on themselves by their "alternative" lifestyle. Likewise the Pshishi, as Olga Vassilevna calls them. Today at the Housing Department there were two people in the queue. The Polish one had an interpreter (£200 per hour). I could not receive housing benefits in Poland. There is animosity against their community. But the Umma. Work hard, pay taxes, keep their heads down. Oh ... is the problem that they call God by a different name? Gee too bad. Dear PSNI, may I suggest you get off your overpaid, underworked doughnut fed backsides and start to actually do something. Thursday, lunch time, City hall. Demonstration against racist attacks. It may kick off, Constable 14499 Evans.
Finally, to sooth the savage breast I have watched 5 minutes of "Coronation Street". How changed from Ena Sharples day. We now have erstwhile "Emmerdale" star Vicki Binns. As myliu tave. Kocham cie, Je t'adore. Anor anish. Ich leibe dich. Jeg elsker du. Ya lyublyu tebe. 

independent minds, ulster, islam

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