The High Cost Of Living Off Of Others

Sep 10, 2012 17:33

► Dean picked up my package at the post office today. It turns out it was a Superman book I bought from Ebay just last week. It shipped on Monday and was already here by Friday. I found that shocking until I realized the seller is based in Ontario, and just a few hours away.

► In addition to picking up my parcel, Deana also finally dug out the bills and receipts and papers I need to bring to the pension office to get my pension adjusted. Gas, electric and rent have all raised noticeably this past year. I called the pension office and managed to talk to my caseworker who told me that all I have to do is drop off the papers with the secretary. Dad and I are going to try to do that on Friday, although I was hoping to take the week off from going out.

A couple of issues came up while talking with my caseworker. First is that they need gas and electric bills going back a year and we only have as far back as January. This means I'm going to have to go to the electric company offices and pay to have them reprint the bills for August through December of 2011. Yay.

The other issue, which isn't really an issue, is that it turns out that the disability pension board does not help in any way if you have pets. I swear I was told otherwise by my previous caseworkers when I applied and received my pension. My current caseworker (who I've only met once in April of 2011) seemed to bristle and get a bit snarky when I brought up that I had recently adopted a cat, saying care and food for any pet comes out of my own pocket. I pointed out that I was merely letting her know that I had a pet now as I was under the impression that I was required to inform them if I did.

Anyway, it looks like I have to go out this week after all.

► From chat:Dran: Watching video stream of coverage of magic tournament. :-B
Derek: wow, there's nothing geeky about anything in that sentence :-D
The Wrap: 'Star Trek' Sequel Gets a Title - Seriously? "Star Trek Into Darkness"? Seriously?Dran: I heard about that. That seems... pretty strange.
Dran: The third film can be called "Who's up for a Star Trek?"
Derek: haha
The Wrap: At Toronto Film Fest, Nick Cassavetes on Incest: ‘Who Gives a Damn? Love Who You Want’ - Uh... if you say so...

Comics Alliance: Remembering 'All Star Superman' On World Suicide Prevention Day - JMS objected to this scene in All-Star Superman and so wrote similar scene in his Superman: Grounded storyline where Superman intervenes when a teenage girl is going to jump from a building. He has Superman assure her that he won't interfere if she does jump, because it's not his right or place to. Instead, he just hovers off of the ledge waiting with her all night long until she decides to forget about killing herself.

This is, of course, the story that starts with Superman guilt ridden after saving the planet from a war with Kryptonians, all because a pissed off woman slapped him for not being around to save her husband from cancer.

Fuck you, JMS.Matt: He's a good writer, why has he been missing the point so much lately
Derek: ego?
Newsarama: Lobdell Brings H'el to Kal'El in Coming SUPERMAN Run - Well he certainly seems enthusiastic about the run. I'm hoping Lobdell surprises me and turns out to be an inspired left field choice for Superman.

CBR Robot 6: With a wink, DC ‘won’t confirm’ Scott Snyder Man of Steel comic - I don't understand why DC hasn't teased or even commented on Superman's 75th Anniversary next year. The first superhero, the one who the industry was built upon, is reaching a huge milestone and the most they'll say is that there happens to be a movie coming up.

WTSP 10 News: Secret Service investigates 16-year-old Alyssa Douglas' tweet about assassinating President Obama - The Secret Service has to take every threat seriously until they can prove otherwise. You never know who's just blowing hot air and who's actually a deranged killer-to-be. That girl is getting a crash course in that right now.

For anyone who thinks this is suddenly a new policy and somehow reflective of Obama's ego or paranoia, get over yourself. This is not at all new.

Quote of the Moment

Dr. Peter Ross: I'm not going to spend the rest of my life in a chemical straight jacket!
- Phobia: A Descent into Terror (1980)

Drinking: A&W Root Beer
Last Watched: Stay Cool (2009); Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011); Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011); Finding Bliss (2009);

sequels, controversy, money, superman, politics, chat quotes, crime, sex, family, j michael straczynski, star trek, pension stuff, mail, writers, death, twitter, government, news, legal crap, games, directors, movies, grant morrison, phone, apartment, comic books, geek culture, my cat, names

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