TV Settings

Aug 20, 2012 10:04

► I spent the weekend test running my new TV by watching some DVDs. A couple of the movies looked fantastic, which a few others looked really splotchy and full of blurred artifacts. Another problem I found was that despite most of the DVDs being "anamorphic widescreen", they weren't fitting the TV's 16:9 dimensions properly, and the image was being stretched and scrunched.

It wasn't until this morning that I browsed online and discovered that I have to adjust the settings to my DVD player to let it know that it's now connected to a 16:9 widescreen television and not my old 4:3 box television. Luckily I managed to find out how to do that with some trail and error, and now the DVDs look much better.

9gag: Importance of Oxford Comma - All this time I've used Oxford commas without realizing how damaging my sentences would have been without them.

9gag: An Abandoned Hotel - Now that's a pretty cool looking hotel.

9gag: Slenderman exists - So much for ever sleeping again...

But Youre Like Really Pretty: But There’s Like Really a Ryan Gosling Body Pillow?! - Because women can be just as creepy as men.

TPM: Republican Senate Nominee: Victims Of ‘Legitimate Rape’ Don’t Get Pregnant - Ignorant and insensitive remarks from a Republican discussing rape and women's rights? Colour me stunned.

CBR Spinoff Online: Doctor Who Season 7: 5 Questions About What We Know So Far - I just hope it's good, and that it won't be a year and a half before the season/series 7 DVD set.

YouTube: Games We Play - I did the "imagining the little man running and jumping along the road" thing on trips too. When I biked I also did the slalom thing if I was going down a street without any traffic.

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Quote of the Moment

Howard Beale: All human beings are becoming humanoids. All over the world, not just in America. We're just getting there faster since we're the most advanced country.
- Network (1976)

Drinking: Canada Dry Ginger Ale
Last Watched: Sgt. Bilko (1996); Cop and a Half (1993); Ed (1996); Dudley Do-Right (1999); School of Rock (2003);

canadians, horror, tv, my childhood, creepy, politics, sex, doctor who, sexism, idiots, pregnancy, dvds, technology, videos, language

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