The Show

Jun 13, 2012 15:03

► My cat's favourite show? Watching the toilet flush. He comes running from one end of the apartment just the see the water go down. Stormy puts his front paws on the seat and cranes his head forward to look in the bowl. It's cute but also bewildering. I keep worrying that one day he'll fall in, especially when he jumps up on and walks around on the seat.

Stormy also seems to love to lay in the bathtub over the drain and under the tap. Which is why it's not uncommon to see him show up, after disappearing for a bit, with a wet spot atop of his head. Cat's are weird, but then so are dogs.

► I'm getting really tired of worrying about my sister and the apartment and losing everything. I wish things would just get back on track here...

9gag: And thats how Sci-Fi works! - Here's the original link on SMBC. From chat:Dran: 8-o
Dran: That comic.... kinda... disturbs me.
Derek: it definitely disturbs me
Splitsider: Mrs. Doubtfire Is Going to Kill You [Mrs. Doubtfire recut] - Other than the music, there's very little different here. All these sinister connotations are there in the movie.

CBR Spinoff Online: First Look at Jor-El and Faora’s Costumes From Man of Steel - Huh, the new Superman movie costume looks a lot better here in the display case. But maybe I've just gotten used to it.

HuffingtonPost: Father Allegedly Kills Man Who Molested His Daughter, Texas Cops Say - Now I don't mean hitting a man so many times he dies, but I can't imagine not reacting the same way if I walked in on someone sexually abusing my 4 year old daughter.

FastCompany: Scientists Discover The Oldest, Largest Body Of Water In Existence--In Space - From the article:That one cloud of newly discovered space water vapor could supply 140 trillion planets that are just as wet as Earth is.

Mind you, our own galaxy, the Milky Way, has about 400 billion stars, so if every one of those stars has 10 planets, each as wet as Earth, that’s only 4 trillion planets worth of water.

The new cloud of water is enough to supply 28 galaxies with water.
And my brain broke.

► I had that for supper last night! Uh, Chef Boyardee ravioli... not Jordan Carver.

Quote of the Moment

Yoda: Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.
- Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)

Drinking: water
Eating: jelly ring candies

sci fi, babes, horror, superman, robin williams, dogs, trailers, chat quotes, crime, science, worries, boobs, children, webcomics, 9gag, movies, creepy, apartment, space, my cat, costumes, cats, food

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