Jun 22, 2016 23:46
Yesterday evening I stepped on the scale and got a shock of my life when it registered 76.9km. I think that is a record. Of course that scale hasnt always been the most accurate, but my stomach has lately felt like it could be true. Strangely this fell on the same day that I swam in the morning and ran in the evening. I havent done a double workout in years. As usual Im beating myself up at allowing my weight to creep up again like this. its really just laziness. I havent worked out anywhere near as regularly as I use to and obviously the intensity slips too. Then as it depresses me i eat more. Its all a horrible cycle. R doesn't help and seems happy to throw obstacles in my way, whether its by bringing home sweets that Ive told her over and over not to, or by finding some reason that I have to do double duty on walking the dogs so no time for my workouts. It doesn't help that the longest of days here is still sun set at 6.30pm, and now its winter its closer to 6.00.