Happy December!
dine asked me to talk about/show places I like to go on vacation. I am treating vacation as "sequential days off work that are more than a weekend", which is something I can take pretty much twice a year, and in the past four years I've been working this job have included:
(1) almost yearly ski trip with my dad and sisters - usually in France, always amazing
(2) two weeks in the USA last summer (vacation), but I'm also including regular weekends in the USA from when I lived there last winter because being abroad = essentially as amazing as vacation, even while I was working
(3) five days in Edinburgh this summer at the Fringe Theater Festival, which is one of my favorite places on this earth during the festival.
Since I've been very remiss in posting photos in the past, let's be generous and call it just a year, some photos from all three trips:
(1) Ski - Val Thorens/Courchevel, France
Red Superman guarding over the village in Courchevel. This was almost as great as the previous years' random town square sculpture, which was:
Batman and Superman in a position that -
here it is from the front okay.
Baby llama in a Spiderman blanket in the French Alps. I really do not even know.
Sisters, BFF and I chilling after lunch. I can't describe how gorgeous it really is.
Preparing to hit the slopes.
There can be weeks of bad weather, but skiing weather in March can be just unbelievable.
My cousin resting (on his ass, because that's what snowboarders do)
Snow and ice will never cease to be amazing.
La Folie Douce, a restaurant-bar just above the village where everyone stopped to drink, dance, and party on their way back down from the slopes every day.
Scrabble, our personal brand of apres-ski.
(2) Winter in NYC
My first day there, venturing into the Upper East Side. The steam vents were absolutely breathtaking.
Frozen reservoir in Central Park.
This park was basically a Disney movie come to life - squirrels!
And freaking adorable ones at that.
And all these dainty little birds.
Catcher in the Rye ducks flying by.
And some badass doggies, all bundled up.
The park at winter, let me tell you. It left an impression.
The snow made every single corner photogenic.
Cold New York mornings, on my way to work
Graffiti outside Chinatown
The street after the Chinese New Year parade
View out my window; trees and fire escape the morning after it snowed.
It barely rained while I was there, but every once in a while it did.
I also spent a weekend in Baltimore, visiting one of my best friends - who orchestrated a wonderful afternoon of freshly baked cookies, nail polish and football.
She also took me flying with hew newly-earned pilot's license.
Maryland is so pretty from the top, though this photo in particular just makes me think of A Farm in Iowa.
Sun over the Baltimore horizon at 11AM.
(3) Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Throughout the festival, the entire city is papered with flyers advertising shows.
Everywhere you go, you can find stacks and stacks of flyers waiting to be browsed and collected. "I'm a show! Come see me, come see me!"
And meanwhile, actors from the hundreds and hundreds of different shows wander the streets, usually in costume, hand out flyers, perform bits from their shows, and try to entice you to come. Here: the cast of Anything Goes.
Sunday in the Park With George! (which, I have finally seen.)
Riptide! the Slasher Musical. Their pitch was - "Isn't this the hottest corpse you've ever seen?"
Space vixens!
The Importance of Being Earnest as Performed by Three F*cking Queens
Dickensian orphans handing out flyers from a coffin!
...and fiddling in the street.
In addition to the festival's amazingness, Edinburgh is simply a beautiful city
With an utterly amazing park (which we lived right on the edge of)
And is essentially, I always think, Ankh Morpork come to life.
That was definitely less talking, more showing, but I'm glad for the chance to post some of these <3
in addition to posting prompts, at least one rec a day for December, so:
December recs, Day 1:
A/S/L? by
floss (12500 words, Hockey RPF, Explicit, Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews)
Additional Tags: 90's AU, Internet Relationship, Webcam/Video Chat Sex
Summary: The internet is a dangerous place, or: Patrick and Jonny meet, lie through their teeth, and fall in love. Mostly that last part.
I'm starting things off with this rec because the even as I was reading it I thought of so many people here I think would enjoy it. Like the tags describe, it's a 90's AU about an internet relationship in an era before, well, high speed or mobile internet. It's a super cute, sweet, high school romance, and it's peppered with tiny nostalgic details about 90s internet culture or tech; every time I got to one of them I was hit with a sudden, oh, right, that's what it used to be like, wow.
It certainly made me remember about the first time I'd ever met someone I met on the internet - on a Buffy fic discussion mailing list in my case. I remember the thrill of discovering another Israeli (identified through her email address domain), the first time we talked on the phone, and the end result - her agreeing to lend me her season 4 BtVS tapes which a friend had mailed her from the States, about a year before the season aired in Israel. My parents agreed to drive me over there, which feels so weird retroactively; these days, I tell my parents very little about anything I do online.
Anyway - that tangent aside, it's a super cute fic that has dial up, yay <3 (I mean, very yay for not having dial up irl anymore thank god, but yay to revisit in fic.)
on Dreamwidth.