*puts talking-doesn't-really-jinx-anything on a loop*
I had a job test today for a position that includes writing math instruction texts in English. I thought it went pretty well, except for the part where they asked me to explain why a certain phrase in English was wrong ("they can afford to maintaining") and I had no idea. This is why I'm always worried about language instruction jobs; I (usually) know the correct grammar, but I have no idea why it's like that, casualty of getting a free pass from English classes all through high school. In Hebrew, at least, I'm better with grammar -- I actually went to classes, plus only having THREE TENSES helps. In English, I don't really have a grammatical terms vocabulary. I'm thinking maybe I should just buy a book and study so I can seriously apply for these kinds of positions. In any case, I hope they call me back for an interview.
I have now signed up for Yuletide, whew! I have also made delicious cauliflower pie, and when I say delicious I mean defuckinglicious you do not even know. This has been my favorite pie ever since I was a kid, and I made it this week for the first time, and tonight I have made it again. Cauliflower is my faaavorite. If anyone's interested in the recipe I can put it up tomorrow; it's basically cauliflower and this creamy cheese-based gravy sticky thing <-- this is why I'm not in the business of writing cookbooks. Also I have learned that this country is apparently experiencing a severe shortage of butter! It was on the news! There are like five reasons for this, because one was not enough.
Meanwhile, in fandom (this is about to turn spammy):
1. Watched this week's FNL. This show, my heart. The biggest thing running through my head this episode was "Wow, so apparently I'm going to need to get a Mindy icon." Also Jess. And Becks. And Vince and Luke and oh Julie no. ♥
2. I missed a few episodes of House this season, but I jumped back after seeing the trailer of the episode with the new doctor and *__* I like her. I really, really like her. I still don't remember her name, but I enjoyed her presence enough to watch the second episode with her, where I still liked her! And Foreman.
3. So there have been a LOT OF THINGS going on in the MCR world, so many new videos out omg. There is the one with the girl singing "Hugs gimme hugs gimme hugs", which -- I love the image of Gerard getting all distressed when he realizes he can't let her sing about wanting drugs, and kind of worrying about it and moping until he sees Frank and his epic Mama Panda hug, and his face just lighting up. "HUGS. Frank! HUGS!" :D
And then there was the Sing video, which was a lot more heartbreaking than I thought it would be.
Other people's commentary is much more amusing than my own though. (LOL seriously
this screencap of Gerard and Korse). I still can't watch the actual video, by the way, fucking MTV. Earlier this morning I found it on Youtube, but it's been taken down since then. It'll probably be up again soon.
ALSO there are
design sketches Gerard made for costumes, which is always fun to see :D LOL, "I believe Steve owns most of these clothes --> besides jacket/shirt/gloves." So basically Steve owns a pair of black pants. But at least Gerard was trying to be helpful?
This probably broke my brain most, though: Jim Cantiello narrating a short MTV spot on MCR. WHEN FANDOMS COLLIDE. I know Jim Cantiello is not totally a fandom but come on, he totally is. This also makes me desperately want some Gerard and Allison bonding over hair dye. I WANT IT SO BAD.
4. Panic! Dallon Weekes is WINNING ME OVER, guys. Shane filmed an entry for a Pepsi commercial contest
starring Dallon as John Cleese and he is so cute. But I feel guilty linking to that because some kids from my school
also submitted an entry, and though I like their ad less, I must support my local brethren. So click on that one too.
I am also, in general, greatly enjoying
this photo of Ryan Ross in a hockey suit. Because hockey was his One True Sport, guys. You know if it weren't for Panic, he would have been a huge hockey star, and he always gets wistful thinking about it. Because clearly the reason he bought a house with a moat was so that could fill it up with water and skate in the winter when the water froze, but eventually the plan backfired, because, you know. CALIFORNIA.
5. Kris Allen is
really fucking cute. (Even though, despite the nipple clamps moment of 3:02, Brendon remains kinkier.)
on Dreamwidth.