Dear artist-type people,
Barring actual live models for whatever you want to draw, do you have any favorite methods/resources for finding good reference photos for drawing? Particularly for poses? I'm looking to draw poses a little more mundane than most of the comic book action poses I've found online, and... finding references is hard /o\ Let's just say I found myself googling monkeys for relevant poses, which means there's something lacking in my system. Help?
LOL, this morning I heard a slow-moving vehicle outside my window with a loudspeaker crying
"Alte zachen!". It felt like I'd been dropped into a shtetl.
This afternoon I went to a mini-interview, from which my resume will be forwarded to a super-secret company whoa are looking for a part-time secretarial job. I had to explain what I'd done in the military, which is my most significant job-experience, and found myself kind of stumped; my military job was so all over the place that while I was doing it it was hard to describe; it's easier to describe as a list of small tasks than as long and overreaching missions (lol, yes, it was missions.) It was this insane system where everyone thought I was a brilliant hard worker because I worked such long hours when the truth was that I was simply crap at time management and ended up always staying late, but I ended up getting awarded for it. Fail, system, fail. Anyway, if I get called in to another interview, I will have to a) learn how to present it better, and b) decide if I actually want this job or if it's too part-time for me. It's only a few hours three afternoons a week, which means I'll have a lot of spare time left for studying and fun, but overall doesn't pay too much, though the salary per hour is good. And wow, let's jump the gun some more! In any case, I am listening to my dad's advice that it's good for me to go out and interview just so I get some experience in being interviewed, whether I get the job/want to job or not. It sounds smart, so I'll take it.
MCR! You knew it was coming. First, I will just say that my my favorite thing about this photo is that it was captioned
"Band of cuddlers":
But also that Gerard still looks like a very beautiful girl, and that Frank stole Kris Allen's cardigan. Those are some hard core rockers right there.
Second, I don't know how old this is, but via
this tumblr, Gerard's design sketches for Killjoys verse characters:
My favorite thing about this batch is probably the note on Frank's costume: "Slightly looser pants". In other words, "Perhaps I shouldn't project my fantasies in front of quite so many people," or maybe this was added after Frank saw the design and pointed out, "Dude, that is going to get real embarrassing real quick."
ETA: Oh, also! I posted some Hanukkah-themed Yuletide icons,
here at the comm. Free for grabbing.
on Dreamwidth.