Dear Yuletide Writer

Nov 19, 2010 00:34

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Hi! ♥.

So I don't really know what to add to my requests. My prompts were kind of detailed -- not too much, I hope! -- and looking back at the characters I requested, I can honestly say that I would be thrilled with any fic that features those specific characters, in all the fandoms I requested, regardless of my specific prompts. And I really do love gen and ship-fic equally, slash or het, so whichever feels right to you.

In general, I'll just add that I like action and talking, and entire introspective fics with no dialogues at all are a little harder for me to read. By no means does this mean that you need to write banter-banter-banter, everything needs moderation! But just that, you know, I like hearing the characters talk :-) I have no problems with violence or with sex -- however, for the purpose of Yuletide, I'd love something that wasn't purely PWP.

Specifically by fandom:

Kick-Ass (2010), Mindy

I loved Mindy's character throughout the movie, and when it ended I just wanted more of her; in particular, I want to know what happens to her when she grows up; I want to know who she grows up to be and what's it's like for her to grow up where she does. Gen or non-gen, anything works. If you can't think of any post-movie fic, then any other Mindy-centric fic would be fine too.

The Wire, Any

My absolute favorite would be to read a fic about future Bubbles and Dukie interaction, where Bubbles helps Dukie out of addiction (because the thought of that happening in the future is absolutely what kept me going at the end of the show). Other than that, my favorite parts of the show are when cops and drug dealers interact (in a way that is more friendly and less coming to blows), so any scene like that would also be awesome. I can elaborate more in the DYA post which I hope will help.

Ha, so. Dude, I absolutely realize that you might not have had Bubbles or Dukie in mind when you signed up for this, and it's totally fine if they're not the ones you choose to write! And honestly, any story about Dukie getting in the future, Bubbles or no Bubbles, would be ♥. I know The Wire features the real world where no happy endings are guaranteed and everyone dies, and I don't want cheese, but I'd love it if there was something at least a little hopeful in the fic. I also in general loved Dukie and Michael and the other kids, so stuff about them would be great. And Prez and his students. And, like I said, small moments of respite between cops and the non-cops McNulty and Kima and Bunk and Carver and Lester and Herc and Bunny, and on the other side -- god, this is like an obituary, and really not everyone is a dealer -- Avon and Stringer and Dee and Wallace and Bodie and Cutty and Namond and ALL THE KIDS and of course Omar.

If you are in the mood for a crossover, I would totally not object to, like, some kind of FNL crossover (Viiince ♥), or a crossover with Gotham Central, if you know it, because Gotham Central is like The Wire but with Batman and seeing how the two verses interact could be fascinating.

If none of these stirs your imagination, or if you were really hoping to write about a different character, don't stress about it. I inhaled this show over a period of a month earlier this year, and I will read anything I can about it.

Discworld, Carrot, Angua

I am a total sap and I love these two and would read anything about them. I love Angua's exasperation with Carrot and her inability to figure him out and her trust in him and his ability to surprise her. I love her worldly experience over him, and the way she can surprise him too.

I'll just add that cameos from other Disc characters are of course welcome, and that, if there are camps to this, I belong to the one that thinks that Carrot is actually secretly smart and not secretly stupid.

Ugly Betty, Justin

Okay, I admit: my dream ship that I have not been able to find anywhere which is why I'm considering it rare enough to ask for in Yuletide is Justin/Kurt-from-Glee, for whom I would be willing to read just about anything. HOWEVER I realize you signed up for Betty and not for Glee, and I would also love to get any other Justin story, seriously ever, preferably set during season 5 or after the show. Justin and family, Justin and Marc, Justin and boyfriend... anything, I love that boy.

So, I hope that's enough not too much information! Thank you so much, hope you're not freaking out, or at least only in a good way, and have a great Yuletide :D If you have any questions feel free to ask anonymously or via the mods.

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