So LJ's down now, huh. Whenever something doesn't load for me, I search for it on Twitter to find out whether it's just me or not. This time it is not! Though I imagine by the time I post it might be fixed.
So I was listening to MCR's album in the car today, and one of the songs was kind of naggingly familiar, and that was when I realized that my brain thinks the new album sounds like Adam Lambert's For Your Entertainment. Like, not all of the songs obviously, because FYE has so many different styles, but like, Bulletproof Heart and things like Music Again? There's something there. My mind keeps describing the album in new ways; currently it's Adam Lambert meets Starlight Express meets Robin Sparkles meets an apocalyptic video game. Future listenings might reveal new things.
Also Vampire Money was familiar, and then I realized you can superimpose it on
Rock and Roll is Here to Stay without missing a beat. I am not complaining.
/posting to procrastinate, carry on.
on Dreamwidth.