"Realization Hits" (coda to ep 4 of 'New Amsterdam')

Mar 17, 2008 23:18

Title: Realization hits.
Summary: (just what the title says)
Fandom: New Amsterdam.
Characters: Omar, John, 36; mention of Eva and Sarah.
Author: Keenir.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: 1.01-1.04
Word Count: 321.


Omar watched wordlessly as his father trudged bonelessly into the bar and onto one of the stools. Passing him a glass of water, Omar waited silently, patiently. He wasn’t immortal, but he knew that, whatever other gifts dad has, prolonged silence was never one of them.

“…” Amsterdam said, lips parted, tongue flickering slowly within his mouth.

The son passed time by double-checking the other glasses.

“…I…” I was on the job. Saved Marquez’s life. Gunshot. Gut wound. Hurts like hell.

Omar flicked his eyes up to see how his dad was.

Hadn’t touched his water.

I’m not giving you anything stronger, Omar knew.

“…I…with…” I told Eva to go, get the bastard. I knocked Santori out. Chased down the punk. Told Marquez the bullet hit a capillary, looked worse than it really was.

36 came up and rested his head on John’s thigh, looking up at him with those dark dog eyes.

“…” John said, reducing himself to silence once more. Downed the whole glass in one gulp. Setting it down on the counter, “Failed.” Eva insisted I get myself checked out. At the hospital, I *deliberately* brushed right past Dr. Dillane. I saw another doctor. “I failed.”

“Nobody’s perfect,” Omar said, a bad feeling in his gut as to what this was about.

“*I* failed,” Omar’s father reiterated, as though the emphasis made it less cryptic as to what he’d failed at. “Four hundred years of trying and hoping… And I failed.” In the car, Eva tried to get me to talk about it. She sounded concerned. Not amused like she’s been lately. Worried about her partner.

I’ll live. I always do. “I failed with…with all of it, Omar,” John said. “I was wrong.”

“Wrong about what, exactly?” hoping that he was wrong.

“Sarah Dillane.” Shook his head. “She’s not The One.”

Oh dear, Omar thought to himself. Knowing what would happen next, Omar rather wished he’d been wrong.
The End

new amsterdam fanfiction, new amsterdam

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