OUAT fic: "Before they came together" chapter 3: Mulan

Nov 11, 2012 04:51

Title: Before they came together.
Summary: How the journeys of Aurora, Mulan, and Phillip came together.
Chapter 1: Aurora 'Two' Ay. (or at AO3)
Chapter 2: Phillip, son of Raymond and student of Lancelot. (or at AO3)
Chapter 3: Mulan's travel with Red. (or at AO3)

Author: Keenir.
Rating: PG-13.
Disclaimer: I own none of the canon characters.
Characters (including cameos) - Aurora, Evil Queen|Regina Mills, Sinuhe, Mulan, Cora, Widow Lucas|Granny, Lancelot, Red Riding Hood|Ruby, Prince Phillip, Belle; mention of Maleficent, and the barbarian killed by Charming's brother.
Categories: backstory, missing scenes.


Red was exploring the town library for the first time, well aware that Belle was keeping an eye on her. "What?" Ruby asked at last, exasperated by that, and the fact that all these shelves were filled with books about countries she had never heard of. Britain? Definately imaginary.

"Sorry," Belle said. "This is my second day on the job, and there isn't anyone else I can offer to help."

Okay. Understandable. "Have anything about a guy named Sinuhe?" Ruby asked. To see what I can see, see, see, as the rhyme goes.

"I think he would be over here," Belle said, and led Ruby past books with titles like How to write short stories and Feminism and the Grimm fables. Ruby wasn't sure she wanted to look inside A Psychological study of Peter and the wolf.

I'm starting to see why Regina closed this place down, Ruby thought. "Gilgamesh?" she asked, looking at where Belle had stopped.

Belle pulled out a neighboring book. "He should be in here," she said, handing the anthology to Ruby.

"Thanks," Ruby said as Belle went to work on the checkout desk. Opening the book, she muttered, "Okay, now let's see, which one has you in it?" and found it soon enough: he was in the title of one Sinuhe the Sailor. As she leafed through the story, Ruby muttered, "Huh, Mulan was understating what happened. Shocker."


By the time she was wheeled into the Court of the people King George had sent her to, Red wasn't doing more than glowering out through the bars. Bet I could rip out of here if I were more wolfish, she tended to think throughout her captivity. And then her cage's cart stopped and the people around her all addressed the man on the throne:

"We have brought it, Minister Sinuhe," they said, and backed away.

The Minister stood and walked towards, then around the cart. "Come here," he said to a person wearing cloaks and trousers Red was positive she would never be caught dead in. "What do you see, Mulan?" he asked the person.

"Minister, I see a woman in a cage," Mulan said.

"This is a gift from king George - his idea of tribute."

Mulan was still looking at hte occupant of the iron-barred cage. Surely if he were sending concubines, he would have sent more than one. If he were sending a monster, how are bars sufficient?

Sinuhe continued, "According to the message he sent ahead to clear the road for its delivery, George believes this girl can turn into a wolf - an appropriate talent, given he also says the girl is from the Marches."

Mulan knew *of* the area, by reputation: 'The Marches'...that area between Empire and kingdoms, controlled by neither.

"But what can we expect of men who owe their kingships to naught but hunting acumen?" Minister Sinuhe clapped once and instructed the soldiers to "Clean it up." Once the cage was wheeled away, the Minister said to Mulan, "You have dispensation to take it with you."

Take? "I may return to the battlefield?" Mulan asked.

"Once this task is completed, yes. But first, you have a mission which our masters deem vital to the preservation of civilization."

"Then I will do it."

"The Emperor-regent wishes you to recover an armory lost for centuries. The gift is to be used however you chose to to that end - currency, offering, kindling; your actions will not be reviewed or judged."

A free hand. "Consider it as good as done."

"The armory was absconded with by the Backless Maiden." Even river gods avoid having feuding with her. "Your nation and your Emperor-regent have the utmost faith in you succeeding, Mulan."


The journey was on horseback, which Red preferred immensely over the option of remaining caged and manacled. Not that those soldiers cared to ask my opinion - guess I should be thankful Mulan’s in a hurry and doesn’t want to wait for a cart to get dragged along. Also glad I got a horse.

As the first day of traveling drew to a close, the sun nearing the horizon, Red decided there had been enough silent riding: “Question.”

Mulan ignored her.

“Why’re you a soldier?” Red asked.

Kept ignoring Red.

“Cause from where I was, in that travel case, I didn’t see any other women in that outfit.”

Mulan shrugged.

“C’mon, how’d you get a uniform?” Red asked. “I can’t think of any kingdoms that would let a woman fight.”

“I am not from a kingdom.”

“That’s not an answer,” Red said.

“It should suffice.”

“You don’t need me to be quiet while you’re following whatever trail we’re on, do you? Because I plan on pelting you with more questions until I find one you’ll give me an honest, straight answer to.”

Mulan stopped her horse. Red followed suit. “See something? Someone?” Red asked.

At the moment, all Red knew was that, all of a sudden, there was a sharp blade at her throat, and Mulan was turned to face her while holding a long stick. She’d worry about just what it was later.

“Yes, pointy,” Red quipped.

“You would do well to remember that I am at liberty to kill you should I opt to do so,” Mulan muttered soto voice.

“Yeah, that’d be a fair fight - tough as nails woman warrior, vs. an unarmed country girl - thought you liked honorable stuff.”

You are needling me, attempting to provoke me to action. “I was an unarmed country girl when I began.”

Red raised her eyebrows. I'm going to end up like you? Not sure how I feel about that. “See? Now was that so hard?”

Outflanked by tribute. “This will certainly be a long journey,” Mulan said.

Red nodded. “Don’t worry, I won’t talk the whole time.”

“Thank the gods for that.”

A few minutes later, Red said, “Just one thing.”

Mulan sighed. “One more thing, you mean.”

“Gee, real nice. I was going to ask if I could get one of those armor shirts for myself. You know, after we finish this trip.”

“Assuming you are still alive.”


“I will make inquiries,” Mulan said.

“Cool. Thanks,” Red said.


Their journey resumed early the next morning once it was too dark to follow the ancient trail. A little tricky to make Granny’s Special Breakfast without eggs, and with some half-dead lizard, but I did okay - no complaints, Red recalled. Not exactly an enthused reception, but she did eat all of it.

Okay, I gotta ask," Red said two days later when they stopped so Mulan could look down at an abandoned campfire's dead coals. When Mulan didn't say anything, Red asked, "Who's this 'regent' everybody was talking about?"

"Our current regent rules the Empire until the Imperial Family returns," Mulan said.

"Cool. How long ago did the royals leave?"

Mulan sat up and said quietly, "Rumplestiltskin. Zoso. River, Cu, Mab…" and turned to look at Red. "During the Age of Medea. The Imperial Family ruled what is today all the kingdoms and duchies and other bodies outside of what remains of the Empire. When they disappeared, there was some disquiet.”

Yeah, the Giants War. "Well good news, I'm not from any kingdom," Red informed her. Why do I have a feeling the imperial family and the gods - or a bunch of them - are the same thing?

“I know. You were captured and transported like an animal."

Red shrugged. "Never said I wasn't dangerous."

“Right,” Mulan said.

You don’t believe me, or you don’t care? Fine, not a problem. "So what's that guy's problem?" Red asked later while they made camp.

"Which guy?" Mulan asked.

"Lord high-and-mighty. The one who called me tribute."

"Minister Sinuhe."

“Minister of what?” Red asked, curious. “Does he answer all the mail, or just the cages of women?”

“He is responsible for the army and the merchants who deal with those lands outside of the Empire,” Mulan said. “The Emperor-regent promoted him from the head of the business community.”

“Lucky guy.”

“He rose to the highest titles and wealth in my country…highest outside of the Court, that is. Then he gave it all up to return to his own country, where he was a peasant." Mulan sighed. "That was when he learned his land no longer existed."

"Owch," Red said.

"Yes," Mulan agreed. "The Emperor-regent chose to reward Sinuhe's loyalty by re-granting him all the titles and riches he had given away."

'Loyalty? He left -"

"Exactly. He left wealth to return to his family. He left estates to walk the ground of his childhood home. What would you have done?" she asked Red.

"I'd never get wealthy," Red said. "But yeah, I'd give it all up." Never thought I'd hear it called 'loyalty' by the people being left behind, though.

"Hm. Maybe you're not entirely hopeless."

"Thanks, I think."

Mulan didn’t reply to that. Red was starting to get used to that, but she noticed Mulan’s frown staring out at a pastel lump on the horizon. “If something’s there, staring at it won’t make it go away. I used to think it would, too, but my Granny was right.”

“Our path is straight into the capitol of a client kingdom,” Mulan said.


“Permitted to govern itself within reason, as it recognizes the authority of the Emperor-regent as its superior,” Mulan explained.

“And yet we’re not heading towards it,” Red noticed.

“We should not need to.”

“But do we need to?”

“Only for supplies.”

“And you’d rather not stop there?” Red asked.

Mulan nodded as they both dismounted. “On one of my first missions in the Empire’s army, we settled a dispute between the client kingdom and a neighboring kingdom - I personally saved the life of the prince heir. He did not enjoy the fact he had been saved by a woman.”

“Most people don’t,” Red said. “Wait, how does anyone not know you’re a woman?”

“I was more…subtle back then. We both knew it was a matter of time before I left the military and the uniform.”

“…And he knew that when that happened, people would learn he was rescued by a girl,” Red finished. “If I had a penny for every time…” and she chuckled.

As did Mulan. “So he made me vow never to mention the incident. In return, he owes me a considerably large favor.”

“Sooooo, why aren’t we heading there?” Red asked.

“The promise of a favor, does not oblige him to be polite to me or anyone traveling with me.”

“Ah. Well, okay, where are we heading? All I heard was ‘the lair of a woman with no spine’.”

“The Backless Maiden is said to currently live in a cottage on a ridge between two ridgelines,” Mulan said. “If we continue to the prince’s palace - he is supposedly king by now - we would have to curl around back a bit before we head into the mountains,” and she sketched out the area’s terrain on the ground.

Out ahead and to one side were foothills and low mountains, all as dry as the plain they were traversing. Beyond those low mountains on their side, were thick-wooded snowy mountains. Beyond those, Red knew, were the kingdoms of the Whites, of the kings Midas and George, and many duchies.

“Not many cottages between the ridges,” Red said. “I know some shortcuts - one of which is to my Granny’s house, as it happens; good place to resupply. We can do this and get back in time to get me fitted for one of those outfits, without ever having to stop at the favor-owing jerk. Sound good?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Mulan agreed.


Crossing to the foothills and low mountains - and then over them - took the remainder of the day and half of the next one.

As their meal cooked over a fire, Mulan sighed, and said, “I will tell you.”

Red looked up. “Huh? Tell me what?”

“The answer to what you’ve been wondering for much of our mission.”

“Whether a white wine or a red wine goes best with king George?”

“Baste first,” Mulan said. She spoke frankly to Red: “Do as I did. Grow all you can within what is permitted to you - and always be prepared to seize the opportunity on its arrival.”

“I‘ll do that - again,” Red said. “What was your opportunity?”

“My father was invited to rejoin the army. I went in his place.” Almost sounding like a rehearsed excuse, “He had fallen ill in his old age.”

“Were you going to join anyway?” Red asked, curious.

“Irrelevant,” Mulan said.


“It does not matter what I might have done. The might-have did not happen. I went in my father’s place - that is what happened.”

Red frowned.

“There are too many potentialities in my life and my career to worry about what nearly happened or how I might have handled it,” Mulan said. “If I worried about such things, fear would weigh me down and lash me to my bed.”

“I haven’t really had a career,” Red admitted. “And my Granny never let me do much in my life - at least nothing dangerous. But when I started going off on my own, yeah, there’s stuff I’d rather have done differently.” Like who Peter and I chained to the tree.

“And thanks,” Red said to Mulan shortly before the rabbits were finished cooking. With a grin, she then asked, “And speaking of lashing, how long does it take to get your shirt’s medallions and your hair like that?”

Mulan smiled. “We’ll start with the simple things - get you a pair of gloves first. And decent boots.”

“Huh. What’s wrong with my boots?”


“Granny knows everybody,” Red told Mulan as they walked across the clearing to the cottage. “If she doesn’t know where to find this Maiden, she definitely knows somebody who does know.”

Mulan nodded.

Red knocked on the door, and then let herself in. “Granny, I’m back,” Red said, and motioned for Mulan to follow her in, just before Red was swept up in a hug with - “I missed you, Granny.”

“Same here, Red. I’m glad you’re okay. And who is your friend?”

“This is Mulan, from the Empire.”

“Good afternoon,” Mulan said to Granny.

“We don’t get many people from the Empire coming up this way,” Granny said. “Make yourselves at home,” she said to both of them.

Mulan didn’t move.

“We’re looking for someone, Granny,” Red said. “I was thinking you could tell us where we could find her.”

“I’ll do what I can,” Granny said. “This person got a name?”

“Not exactly. More like a … a title or a description?” Red asked Mulan.

“Both,” Mulan said. To Granny, “We seek the Backless Maiden. Have you heard of her?”

“Heard and hosted,” Granny said. “She used to live here. Since moved on, though.”

“Did she say to where? Please, it is urgent.”

“Didn’t say. Lancelot would know.”

“Lancelot?” Mulan asked Granny and Red.

“Never heard of him,” Red said.

“You will. I’m sure of it,” Granny told them both. “In any event, the Maiden left one thing here, said it was a gift. So I’m giving it to you, Red,” and flicked her gaze over to the sword.

“Why - Granny, what makes you think I need a sword?”

Or know how to use one? Mulan thought.

“From what I hear,” Granny said, “You were taken prisoner by King George’s men.”

Red nodded. “I was. But now I’m getting a uniform.”

“A uniform?” Granny asked.

“Like Mulan’s.”

“The Empire always accepts brave fighters,” Mulan said.

Granny said, “I see. Then make sure you bring your own sword, Red - the one I’m giving you now.”

“Fine,” Red grumbled. Holding it on the flat of both hands, Red asked, “What’s so special about this sword, anyway?”

“The Maiden was reputed to be the best forger and maker in recent ages,” Mulan said.

Granny nodded. “That sword there, Red, she’d had it the whole time she was in our realm.”

“Grrreat,” Red mumbled. “I get the one with sentimental value.”

“It’s dark now,” Granny said. “You girls stay here tonight. Wherever you’re going, it’ll be there in the morning - you can go then.”

“Thank you for your hospitality,” Mulan said.


The next day, after descending from the mountains and crossing the foothills, Red stopped the horses.

“What is it?” Mulan asked.

“Here you go,” Red said, holding the sword out to her.

“No. It is yours,” Mulan said.

Red looked at her and shook Red’s head. “Mulan, I’m a werewolf. What am I going to do with a sword?”

“The rest of the month,” Mulan suggested.

Red grinned. “Nah. I’ll be fine. Promise.”

“Very well,” Mulan said, accepting the sword. But before she would let Red let go of it, Mulan extracted an agreement: “Whenever you have need of this sword, it is yours.

“For however long the need lasts,” Red nodded.

With that, the sword was handed over, and Mulan sheathed it.

Red turned around to head back to the Empire’s capitol, but Mulan didn’t. “Mulan?” Red asked, and then saw that Mulan's gaze was towards the client kingdom's palace...which had a singularly large pillar of smoke rising from it. “Bad annoying irritating fool boy there,” she said, having picked up how her Granny could string together a berating statement like nobody’s business.

“Doesn’t matter,” Mulan said. “I serve the Empire - which means I have to find out who attacked our client kingdom, and either destroy the attacker, or inform the Minister so he can send the army after it.” Which is how I ended up saving the prince’s life last time.

“Then let’s go,” Red said, turning her horse around to point the same direction as Mulan’s.

“You are under no obligation any longer,” Mulan said. “You have done what you were sent with me to accomplish. You are free.”

“Right, like I’m going to let you have all the fun. Come on, I can smell a barbeque from here.”

Mulan frowned. “And people say my people have sensitive noses. I smell nothing.”

“Then let’s get closer,” Red said, and got her horse trotting towards the palace. Mulan followed close behind.

No horns sounded to announce their approach. That is different, Mulan noted. Normally the prince - the king, like the king before him, had horns bellowing to welcome any riders nearing his palace.

Silently, the palace doors opened when they were nearly there, which did not settle Mulan’s nerves. “Show-off,” Red said, seeing all the opulence on display in the doors and the reception room beyond it.

That helped Mulan’s nerves, hearing that.

The prince-turned-king raced forward on his own, dropping to his knees when he was almost where Mulan and Red were. “Thank you, thank you infinitely so, brave Mulan, for coming at this hour of great need.”

Red looked at him, then over at Mulan, and smirked. “Oh yeah, definitely an egotistical jackass.”

“Not now,” Mulan muttered, and Red wasn’t sure if she meant she didn’t want to talk about it right now, or the guy wasn’t a jackass right now but would be again later. To him, Mulan said, “What service does the child ask of the Empire?”

“I have no heirs, but -”

“You have onagers.”

Red snorted.

Dryly, Mulan said, “That is the sort of thing your forefathers sought autonomy for. Therefore it is not for the Empire to solve for you.”

He nodded. And finished his sentence, “But my palace has just been attacked by magicians from the south.”

“Magicians?” Red repeated.

“Yes,” said the king. “Led by one who was called Maleficent.”

“There were many casualties…and one cursed.”

“And you want the Empire’s help?”

“If possible. With or without Them, I wish to ask for your help, Mulan. I will owe you more, I realize. But I want this.”

“The same terms and conditions?” Mulan asked.

He nodded. “If you do not come to me to repay, then my children will pay it in their time. If my children are not called upon to repay, then their children. Ad infinitum.”

“You have no heirs.”

“Whomever inherits my throne, my kingdom, they also inherit my debts,” the king said.

“Then take us to this cursed person,” Mulan said.

I offered my kingdom and its titles to Aurora and whomever she deemed to marry, even if it should not be me, the king recalled. He did as asked, leading them through the reception room, through two neighboring rooms, and into a silk-canopied patio with a stone slab near the center. On the slab lay a body - a young woman, Red could sense.

Mulan and Red dismounted at the patio’s edge and walked with the king up to the slab and the young man kneeling alongside it.

“She seems rather young to be a worshipped ancestor,” Mulan jested.

The young man stood and turned to face them, giving the king a shallow bow.

“I am Phillip,” he said. “Of the Round Table.”

“I’ve not heard of that,” Mulan said.

Red tried not to let her eyes boggle. “You have got to be kidding me. How have you heard of all that other stuff, but not of the Round Table?”

“I have heard of many people and things to do with the Round Table,” Mulan said, “But nothing about any Phillip,” and looked at him expectantly.

His neck and head flattened slightly, then returned to normal. “I was a child when we were lost to history,” Phillip said.

“And her?” Mulan asked, looking at the woman lying unconscious on the slab.

“That is Aurora. The woman I love.”

“Sweet,” Red said, liking hearing about true love. “Not that she’s -”

“She was cursed,” Phillip said. “There is something I must do before I am able to awaken her.”

“Let’s go, then,” Red said. To Mulan, she asked, “You coming? I bet you’ve got room for another adventure under your belt.”

“What about the uniform?” Mulan asked her.

“Eh. I’ll get it later,” Red said.

“Then why are we still here?”

“That’s her way of saying let’s move,” Red translated for Phillip.
THE END. Date: One Year Before The Curse.

series, red, ouat, once upon a time, mulan, once upon a time fanfiction

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