OUAT episode tonight

Nov 11, 2012 23:09

ooooh the many many plot bunnies spawned by this episode.

the downside is I'm watching the episode with a runny nose - not sure if its allergies or a bug. so I may be less given to cutting the characters any slack (this will likely change when I re-view the ep when I feel better)

* Belle to the rescue!!

* frozen dinners? is there a factory in Storybrooke? a delivery truck that used to cross that boundary line before the curse was broken?

* someone stole Red's cloak? hm, shades of the selkie legends.

* the fact that Gold is giving away a solution for free, should have everyone panicking.

...and raise your hand if you can name the Greek myth they're going to have Henry emulating. :)

* Henry's silver container has the same emblem as the gravestone of Red's mother.

* a castle that sank underground? UBAR!

* Red's mother?

* aha, another reference to what Regina told Emma in series 1: "This town is bigger than you think."

* "She has nothing to do with what happened between you and me." pft, Charming, that ship sailed waaaay back when Red fought King George's soldiers so you could escape.

* so, the only way to control the wolf, is to give in to it? it that like the martial arts' use of the opponent's strength against himself?

* I've no doubt that there's a large measure of irony in that fact: that the werewolves were able to elude capture for however long...and they're attacked and killed not five minutes after Snow White's pursuers follow her to them.

* and I'm sure Rumplestiltskin will gently tease Belle about that little "I'm something of an expert in rehabilitation."

* Charming and Granny need to ask themselves one question: *why* would Spencer have held on to the red cloak for 28 years?
(this smells like a frame-up job to me)

* "He needed a reason to wrestle/wrest power away from me in the town." Um, Charming, I don't think this is about putting King George in charge of the town - more like making sure you aren't running the town - full stop. (or at least to make you see your blind spots, Charming)

* oh ghod, and Snow's reverting back to...is it her childhood of "i didn't do anything wrong" or her young adulthood of "no, it's not my fault" ?

she knew the Queen's soldiers were tracking her, and she had narrowly avoided them a number of times in multiple episodes - Snow even remarked on how long it had been going on. and yet she tries to deny that she's the reason those soldiers were in the werewolves' den?

* oh, so Spencer killed Billy so people would think a wolf killed the kid?? the killing anatomy of wolves and humans is very very different - you would think a sheepherder would be able to tell the difference (or that Granny would've noticed)

* Spencer does have a point - Charming doesn't protect things that are important to him.

Longer Thoughts:

* uh, Red, the reason Snow hasn't made you chose between the human and wolf sides of you, is because you're always wearing the red cloak that keeps you from turning into a wolf.

its easy to avoid asking someone to chose, when the choice never comes up.

* Not sure how or why Red failed to notice that pretty much all of the fabrics and things in that underground castle, are red. particularly when Red's mother is telling her to stop wearing the red cloak.

* Snow's and Charming's answers of "I know that's not who you really are" strike me as denial at best, insanely optimistic at worst -- yes, Red is kind and polite...but her wolf is not her.

Red didn't kill Peter, but she did unleash her wolf at King George's soldiers. (to be honest, I'm surprised anyone survived that assault)

Heck, out of all the people who have raised their hands against Charming, Charming only thinks two of them can be trusted and-or are good people...and one of them is Snow White. The other (barely, but increasingly lately) is someone Charming trusts with Henry's life.

* King George does have a point - its not as simple as Good vs Not-Good or Good vs Evil in the case of him and Charming...back any man or animal into a corner, and it will lash out violently.

King George's family was all dead by one cause or another, and his kingdom was facing ruin. I dare Charming or any of his supporters to say how Charming would have handled it any differently.
(ask Regina for a loan? raid the dwarves' mines? ask Midas for help? (wait, George already tried that one)

red, episode, ouat, once upon a time, episode review, ruby

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