crossover remixed drabble: "flee now"

Jun 21, 2011 02:31

Title: Flee now.
(also a remix of Sororcula's Just a little off course)

Pairing: David/Liz, Jo/Amita, Dean/Lisa.

Rating: R
Summary: There are some things scarier than gods and demons.
Word Count: N/A
Spoilers: none
Prompt: #10 "Travel" at numb3rs100
Disclaimer: None of them are mine. Trust me, we'd see more Val and Amita and Jo if they were.

Problem solved, godlike demon killed. Only one thing left to do:

Jo came very close to putting the Gas pedal through the floor.

"So what're we running from?" Liz asked, pressed against her seat.

"Must be something pretty dangerous," David said, "after what we just helped them with."

"Lisa Braeden," Jo said.

"I thought she said she was fine with Dean hunting with you," Amita said.

"That was before we destroyed her garden and the backyard and almost didn't vanquish the demon before Ben got home."


"I think I can go faster than this," David offered.

"Not right now," Jo said. "Maybe later."


"Better than a Motel 6," Jo said, looking at where David had parked. "Maybe you do have taste."

Turned out they only had enough cash for one bed, one room. "Paper, rock - or short straw?" David asked, thankful Colby had given him plenty of practice with this sort of thing.

"I was going to say Russian Roullette."

"How do you still have a bullet left?" Amita asked her.

Sotto voice, Jo told her, "They didn't know that."

the end

crossover, supernatural fanfiction, lisa/dean, drabble, jo/amita, liz, jo harvelle, supernatural, liz warner, amita, amita ramanujan, spn, lisa braeden, jo

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