n3 drabble: "how to krokodili"

Jun 21, 2011 04:05

Title: How to krokodili.
not a remix.
Pairing: none.
Rating: PG
Summary: "C'mon, Granger, how would your folks say it?"
Word Count: N/A
Spoilers: none
Warnings: I may have accidentally butchered Esperanto.
Notes: I found the Esperanto in the book In the Land of Invented Languages (which has a lot of cool languages in it) by Arika Okrent.
Prompt: ? at N100
Disclaimer: None of them are mine. Trust me, we'd see more Val and Amita and Jo if they were.

"C'mon, Granger, how would your parents say it?" Nikki wanted to know.

Colby did his best to ignore her as they walked through the bullpen. And thankfully she didn't raise the topic during Charlie's long and convoluted explanation of strategy that even had Amita checking her watch.

But as soon as they left the room, "Okay, at least your mom. How would she say it?" Nikki asked.

Colby sighed, turned around, and held the back of Nikki's head in the palm of one hand as he touched his forehead to hers. "Don't krokodili this, little one," Colby asked softly, and turned around and grabbed the elevator.

"Aw," David said, walking past.

"He was just telling me how his parents say 'don't screw up'."


the end

esperanto, language, nikki, numb3rs, drabble, numb3rs fanfiction, colby granger, nikki bettancourt

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