remixed SPN/N3 drabble: "what sparks remembering"

Jun 21, 2011 01:52

Remix of Sororcula's What Do You Hear In These Sounds (part 2/?)

Title: What sparks remembering.
Pairing: Jo Harvelle/Amita Ramanujan
Rating: PG-13
Summary: She's oddly rivetting.
Word Count: N/A
Spoilers: none.
Warnings: none.
note: I learned a tiny bit about the polgahana(sp) ritual on Out of Egypt, hosted by Dr. Kara Cooney.
Disclaimer: None of them are mine.

Amita took Jo home. To her, it seemed the thing to do.

When they get there, Amita's at something of a loss, unsure of what to do first - ready the shower and towels, or fix some tea, or...

Jo solves the problem for her, by stitching the cut on Jo's arm. Amita's never actually seen someone getting stitches, much less applying them with their own hands. Its oddly rivetting.

Since the moment she had fled the campus with this blonde named Jo, Amita had the feeling at the back of her skull that she should have paid better attention when her grandmother had tried explaining the polgahana ritual - however it was pronounced, Amita's attention had been wandering at the time; it expelled demons or bad luck or something.

And Jo kindly began explaining to Amita just why the ritual worked, as well as other things about how to fight demons.

the end

crossover, supernatural fanfiction, numb3rs, drabble, jo/amita, jo harvelle, supernatural, numb3rs fanfiction, spn, jo

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