Primevalathon: v2 of "Lines"

May 16, 2010 00:56

I edited this as a challenge to myself - to see if I could accomplish it. (and I lost the bet - I hadn't thought I could do it)

Title: Lines, version 2. (warning: deathfic)
Author: Keenir.

Recipient: Chibi-Kaz (and thank you for the writing suggestions - they helped a lot)
Prompt(s): Beginning of Series 3: Sarah is the new girl in town, and she notices Connor's better qualities right away.

Becker appreciates Sarah's more disciplined approach to science... and other things.
(and Lacey ribs him for it - thought that wasn't part of the prompt)
note: the early drafts were more Sarah-centric…Connor took over in the rewrites.

Universe created for this fic: Tremayne
(mostly a Universe in the sense that I'm gathering up all my fics with her in them)

Pairing/Characters: Connor Temple, Mary Tremayne, Sarah Page, Ditzy, Lacey, Mitts, O’Keefe, Cutter, Abraham Farr.

faint Connor/Sarah. Mentions of possible Connor/Mary in the past.

Rating/Category: Mature,
Spoilers: 3.01, 3.10, and gleanings of series 2.

Summary: Connor and Mary part company with Abby and Danny...and Connor ends up, sans Mary, in the British Museum in a world where Helen Cutter had never existed.

Notes: Timeline 1 - series 1. Timeline 2 - series 2 & 3. Timeline 3 - branching off from the s3 finale.

Creatures: Incognitum (Proboscidae), Pristichampsus (Crocodilia), Raptor (?).

Warnings: use of sharp prickly plants as weapons.
Disclaimer: I own none of the canon characters. I have asked permission of the OFCs’ owners to place the OFCs in this fic. I own my own OFCs, but am willing to share them.
the OFCs: Ditzy, Mary Tremayne, Mitts.
the canon characters: Connor Temple, Sarah Page, Tom, Duncan, Becker, Abby, Danny.

primeval, primeval fanfiction, mary tremayne, ficathon, primeval character

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