(no subject)

May 18, 2010 20:53

that was the season finale of Castle, right?

Alexis, its really not a good idea to mess with your dad like that. (did you or the writers forget how many people your dad can get in touch with and call in favors?)

"She's naked on the cover again, isn't she?"
one of these days, Castle is going to realize that, because he uses real people (and changes the names), it will not always reflect well on those people.

...though I have a feeling this is a lesson he would only learn if it happened to him.

and, not knowing Castle was getting back together with his ex, Beckett broke up with Denning. I'm not entirely happy about that.
(that look on his face when he was asking what he did wrong, was that what people mean by the "kicked puppy" look?)

episode, castle, review

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