Numb3rs drabble: Numero yī

Mar 02, 2010 18:04

Title: Numero yī.

Author: Keenir
Prompt: #023: Connection
Characters: Alice Chen, Nikki Betancourt, Ian Edgerton.
Summary: Nikki asks Alice if she's going to attend the Edgerton-Betancourt wedding.
Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Word Count: 228
Spoilers: Pandora's Box, Trouble in Chinatown.
Disclaimer: All canon characters are the property of CBS, Heuton & Falacci. All original characters are mine.

Two Federal agents were walking through Chinatown, one congratulating the other on the upcoming marriage, and the other eventually saying, "Ian says he convinced the number one sniper to come too," Nikki said, confident that, one day, reasonably soon, Ian would be number one.

"I know," Alice said.

Nikki had known that Ian still talked to Alice from time to time - she was his ex, after all - But I didn't know he told you who he was inviting to the wedding. I mean, I can understand him inviting you, but... "So, do you think you can come too?"


"I know, I know," Nikki said. "I promise I won't let it get awkward."

Alice laughed, a brief moment of amusement. "I wish you all the best. Both of you."

"Thanks. So...will you be there?"

Alice sighed.

"Come on," Nikki said. "I know, I was kind of an ass when we were working together in Chinatown that one time, but I -"

"Agent Betancourt," Alice said at the same time that Ian said, "Nikki," as he stood (unnoticed a moment ago) in the shadow of Sun Yat Sen.

"Yeah?" Nikki said, turning to face him.

"I already told you she agreed to be there," Ian said.

What -? Nikki thought as she turned back to Alice who looked like she knew what Nikki was about to ask.

The End

I found part of the title (yi) here: (at the time, I'd been thinking of making the #1 sniper Matt Li....but Alice takes priority, as the idea of her as a sniper crossed my mind a few months ago - or was that Callie's Immortals?)

note: the "two agents were walking through Chinatown" was the last part I wrote, and once I wrote it, I thought can you imagine if the #1 was Agent Bloom?

numb3rs fanfiction, alice chen, alice, numb3rs, drabble

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