meme: A new tv show

Dec 24, 2009 04:30

1. Comment to this post with "I surrender!" and I'll assign you the basis of some tv show idea. (Science fiction show, medical drama, criminal procedure, etc...)
2. Create a cast of characters, including the actors who'd play them
3. Add in any actor photos, character bios and show synopsis that you want.
4. Post to your own journal.

I was kindly granted by AJ the description "Regency detective show".
and thank you for showing me how to change the sizes

History split: After winning the Battle Of Guiliford Courthouse, the British reinforced their coastal defenses and supply lines; it didn't win them any extra battles or even the war against the Colonial Revolutionaries, but it did win the British Empire a trading post that, after much haggling and negotiating, would be turned over to the Americans in a hundred years - assuming the United States was around then. In the meantime, the land within those restricted borders would be under the Union Jack, who brought in Parsis from the dawning Raj to the east to help administer this place.

Caroline takes place in the British settlement of what would in OTL be eastern North Carolina: Caroline, after the royal the colony had been named in honor of in the first place.

Caroline Investigations is the name on the door of the twenty-second house down Wolf Way. Each episode follows one of the investigators over the course of her or his search for the truth.

Cast of Characters:
The Narrator(1) - Dichen Lachman
The Narrator(2) - Kerry LaFaitt
Grace Helms - Sarah Shahi
Richard Clack - Enver Gjokaj
Susan Clack - Indira Varma
Ames Watson - Sylvester McCoy
Thomas Parks - Peter Wingfield
Sarah Park-Parks - Jane McLean
Nathan Hale - Kevin McKidd
James Kensington - Peter Coyote
Harris Timmins - Tim Roth
Sophia Rhee - Grace Park
Elizabeth Rhee - Linda Park
Rachel West - Zuleikha Robinson
Leah West - Keisha Castle-Hughes
Mary Ramanujan - Carly Pope
Hellen Pitt - Honeysuckle Weeks
Gregory Pitt - Michael Kitchen


for season one
Glimpsed momentarily over the course of the season, the Narrator's (Dichen Lachman's) voice opens every episode and ends almost all of them. She joins the cast in the last two episodes of season one, having a connection to Ames Watson.

for season two


Grace Helm
While Helm has a number of influential enemies made by the time of the pilot episode, she is under the protection of Governor Clack. The daughter of a veteran of the American Revolutionary War, she crossed the border to apprentice under Caroline's Chief Investigator Ames Watson (by then retired)(Sylvester McCoy); there is a suggestion that she left America to get out from under her father's shadow (she knows who her father is, but not many other characters in the show do).

Quietly competent, Grace has what some have politely termed "a vigorous tenaciousness" in her unwillingness to let a matter drop, even when it has nothing to do with a case. This extends to never letting down a friend.

Thimotheus Parks
Grace's #2, this Welshman goes by the English form of his name: "Timothy" (Peter Wingfield). He came over the Pond expecting to live and die in the mines, but found he could improve himself. Once he counts you as a good friend, he'll trust you for life; (so when his wife said she turned over a new leaf, he believes her). Tim doesn't hesitate to dirty up his face if a case calls for it.

Grace has insisted that he and Sarah (Jane McLean) live rent-free on the second floor above the office.

Three out of every five Pounds he earns, he spends on his wife; one of the remaining two Pounds, he sends back to family in Wales.

Sarah Park-Parks
Except in the most formal of situations, she goes by "Sarah Parks." A graduate of a Carolina Baptist College, she made a small black-market fortune by providing homesick Asians with music and arts of their homeland. Tim says Sarah turned her back on that life when they were wed; but whether she has or not, she can still summon old contacts with ease - which she does in episode 4, when Tim is assaulted and threatened with worse. Both before and now, though, face is still the greatest form of honor in Sarah's mind.

While Tim may take Sarah with him if the only time and place to question a suspect or witness is at a social event (ie a dance or dinner), most of the Sarah's Timless time is spent with the Rhee sisters (Grace Park & Linda Park), old friends from college.

One person Sarah does hate and distrust without reservation is Harris Timmins (Tim Roth).

Lord Richard Clack
The newly-appointed Governor of Caroline, Richard (Enver Gjokaj) is trying to prove to everyone that he is not in fact too young to hold such a post as this. And in so doing, he makes himself a large number of enemies. While not entirely unsympathetic to the Colonials, Richard feels they were rash and hurried in breaking away from the Crown - and yet he counts Grace's father as one of his closest friends. While he has no problem with deliberate eccentricity (his speckled clothes are in fact because of an eye problem in his family), he habors great distaste for random and meaningless occurrances - "the mind of the mob" is something he fears more than even his predecessor's machinations.

Easygoing in nature, the only things which can raise his ire are threats to his family and those he considers under his protection.

Lady Susan Clack
Susan (Indira Varma) grew up in Caroline; most of her relatives work here. She also met Richard here, and had a whirlwind courtship before his parents spoke to hers about marriage. Always ready with a smile, though some say "there are three languages more complex than any other - fans, flowers, and Lady Clack's smiles." Susan is comfortable in the world of propriety, customary order, and such - she takes comfort in knowing everything was done just as it should be; therefore, perhaps not surprisingly, she's just short of scandalized at Richard's patronship of Grace Helm's enterprise (it being aimed at dealing with people who don't do things by the book, though, is why she isn't fully scandalized).

Susan enjoys spending time with her friends Mary (Carly Pope), Rachel (Zuleikha Robinson), and Rachel's daughter Leah (Keisha Castle-Hughes), and is one of a handful who would not turn away Hellen Pitt (Honeysuckle Weeks) in fear of scandal or corruption.

Hellen Pitt nee Tremayne
The young wife of prosperous Gregory Pitt (Michael Kitchen), she met her husband during one of her early investigations under Grace's wing. Plays her cards close to her chest with people she doesn't count as near and dear, and can turn a question back at you with a simple "Is it?"


Lord James Kensington
Clack's predecessor in the post of Governor of Caroline, and while he can make nice with American envoys, he rarely hides his distaste for them. A veteran of the War against the Colonials, James would be perfectly happy to watch the Republican nation collapse under its own weight.

While he enjoys the classics and many of the fine things in life, Kensington is not a Hellenophile - like Lord Byron and others, he sees the modern Greeks as unworthy heirs to the greatness of Classical Greece.

Kensington has his own way of looking at the criminal underworld and the black market: it's like America: you'd rather it not be there...but until its gone, you might as well use it to your advantage. Kensington isn't above calling in favors with the better criminals, but it isn't until late in the first season that he even accepts a message from Harris Timmins - someone he made an enemy of early in his Governorship.

Nathan Hale
Hale is not exactly a hatchet man...he's the man Kensington sends out to keep things from getting messy. His unofficial job is to keep fingers from pointing at Lord Kensington, and to dispatch any hired guns who can't do what they were paid to. As such, Nathan is largely in the shadows, except when standing in attendance on his Lordship, looking unremarkably like a normal butler.

When times are quiet or he wants reflection, Nathan will return to the building where he had been employed as a child laborer (him, his brothers, their mother and aunts, and a hundred people he opted not to know)

Harris Timmins

So long as Harris Timmins doesn't think you're out to get him, or to deprive his legal and less-than-legal enterprises of money, he's civil to everyone - "the best friend you never had." But the rise to power was far from easy for him, and even now, everything about him is geared to staying out of anyone's clutches - literally, hence the close-cropped hair, the lack of lapels, and so on. But this aversion to gaudy, does not stop him from enjoying his pleasures - if anything, he savors them more deeply and in greater amount.

One must take Harris' statement of desiring to "win back Sarah Park" with a measure of salt - while it may or may not be the truth, he was at the time aiming his words to strike at the person questioning him.

Recurring Minor Characters:

Ames Watson
A soft-spoken veteran of the Napoleonic Wars, Ames wants nothing more than to retire in some quiet estate somewhere, preferably on the edge of the known world. Regretably, politics too often send him elsewhere. If asked a question, Ames will more often than not avoid giving an answer, instead going on and on about all and sundry related (however tangetically) to the topic.

Sophia Lane nee Rhee.
Wife of Joseph Lane, a minister who was promised the opportunity to head a church somewhere overseas - among the Malay, Fang, Afar, or Khmer tribes - and throughout the season, Sophia laments that they have not had the opportunity to go. Longsuffering Sophia's personality makes her wallflower sister look outgoing - except in the clothing department, which is where Sophia shines brighter than Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Rhee

Rachel West
The wife of the head rabbi of Caroline, and a Talmudic authority in her own right.

Leah West
An orphan on the docks, Susan and Rachel had both considered taking her as their own, but they agreed that Rachel would be the better mother.

Leah has of late been asking Susan rather a lot about the Faith practiced by Parsis - Susan doesn't mind, thinking it shows an inquisitive mind; Rachel worries that this is the late blooming of teenage rebellion, a lashing-out at her upbringing rather than curiosity about her friends.

Mary Ramanujan
The daughter of a Portugese mother and an ex-pat, Mary jokes that she came to Caroline because "there's a better class of men here than in the East India Company." She works with Susan's family.

Gregory Pitt
The owner and head keeper of the only professional zoological park or botanical gardens in Caroline (the others are all privately-owned). Once a widower, he was pleasantly surprised to be attracted to the private detective Hellen Tremayne - whom he later married. Gregory is often full of enthusiasm for various projects, much to the smiling exhaustion of his wife and whomever else he ropes into assisting him.

Others by me in this meme: At The Gates & Caroline & Time Enough & 1st Time, 2nd Time.

pod, ah, shows, meme tv shows that should be, ramanujan, meme, au

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